June Ellen Naughton (neé Miinchow) as a captain nursing sister and Michael Anthony Naughton as the lieutenant colonel Commanding Officer both 1st Australian Field Hospital, South Vietnam 1969-1970, interviewed by Lynn Hemmings

Place Asia: Vietnam
Accession Number S01578
Collection type Sound
Measurement 1 hr 10 min
Object type Oral history
Physical description 1/4 inch sound tape reel; AGFA PEM 369; 7 1/2 ips/19 cm.s; 5 inch; stereo
Maker Hemmings, Lynn
Place made Australia: Queensland, Brisbane, Yeronga
Date made 18 December 1991
Access Onsite use only
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: Unlicensed copyright

Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Permission of copyright holder required for any use and/or reproduction.
Source credit to AWM Research Grants Scheme

Nursing training; joining army; selection of nurses for service in Vietnam; preparation for departure; theatre sister in Vietnam; role and training of theatre technicians; relations with other staff; social life and leave; attitude to Vietnam service; attitude to anti-war movement; discharged in 1979; civilian nursing; training and new career as medical facilities planner; sexual harrassment; comparison between Australian and US standards of hospital care and medical procedures; effects of the war on nurses in Vietnam and after discharge; alcohol consumption; national servicemen; welcome home parades and reunions.