Survivors from the destroyer HMAS Voyager are brought alongside the aircraft carrier HMAS ...

Place Oceania: Australia, Jervis Bay
Accession Number 305438
Collection type Photograph
Object type 6x8", Paper (Resin-coated), Silver Gelatin
Physical description 6x8", Paper (Resin-coated), Silver Gelatin
Maker Moore, Allan John
Place made Australia: Jervis Bay
Date made 10 February 1964
Conflict Period 1960-1969

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Survivors from the destroyer HMAS Voyager are brought alongside the aircraft carrier HMAS Melbourne after the collision. The sailor far left, leaning back on the engine housing , has been identified as R57883 Engineering Mechanic B C B (Bernie) Manning. The officer, right , wearing a beret, is believed to be Commander George Halley. Also identified, second from the left of the officer facing the camera, is R93404 Frederick Bruce Fitzgerald (blond hair, facing left). (Naval Historical Collection).