Place | Asia: Borneo |
Accession Number | AWM2017.7.135 |
Collection number | 3DRL/6502 |
Collection type | Digitised Collection |
Record type | File |
Item count | 45 |
Object type | Papers |
Physical description | 132 Image/s captured |
Maker |
Various |
Place made | Borneo |
Date made | 1945 |
Conflict |
Second World War, 1939-1945 |
Decoded signals May 1945
Harrisson, Tom Harnett (Major, DSO, Reconnaissance Corps, British Army and Z Special Unit)
Next Record >Records relating to the service of Major Tom H. Harrisson, DSO Reconnaissance Corps, British Army. Harrisson was seconded to Z Special Unit, Services Reconnaissance Department and served in Borneo as party leader on Operation Semut 1 during the Second World War. This file includes decoded signals May 1945, track reports, maps and medical outfits related to S/Sgt Douglas Bower (codes B5, B6 and B7), Lt Colin Thornton (code T3), WO Bertram Charles Long (code L7), WO Colin McPherson (code M1) and Tpr Robert Griffiths (code G6).
This file includes:
Report: Method of control;
Note to B6 [Bower], 7 May [1945];
Decoded signal from D to Harrisson, 6 May 1945 [MUT34 Part 1];
Decoded signal [from D to Harrisson], 6 May 1945 [MUT34 Part 2];
Decoded signal U, 4 May [1945] [VT 149];
Decoded Signal from H to Kon, 6 May [1945] [good drops LIB];
Decoded Signal from H to Kon and D4, 6 May [1945];
Decoded Signal from H to Kon, 5 May [1945];
Decoded Signal from H, 3 May [1945], [regarding aircraft raid and guerrilla morale];
Decoded Signal from H, Bruni, 4 May [1945] [regarding POWs];
Decoded Signal from H to Kon, 4 May [1945] [VT153];
Decoded Signal from H, 5 May [1945] [VT152];
Note to T3 [Thornton] and L7 [Long] and Decoded Signal from H, 5 May [1945];
Rough notes and Decoded Signal from H, 6 May [1945];
Decoded Signal from H, 8 May [1945];
Letter from A2 to A1 [Harrisson], 26 May 1945 [Explanation regarding promotion];
List: Stores Taken by M1, 11 May [1945] [One month's supply];
HQ Report, 18 May 1945;
Envelope: Tuan Besar;
Letters from B7 [Bower] to A1 [Harrisson], Long Berang, 19 May [1945];
Report: Official Memorandum, Kerani Anrew Blassan, Gunyakusho, Lawas, 27 May 1945;
Note to Tuan Dan, 28 May [1945] [Pay instructions];
Limbang Report;
Note to Tuan Rick, 20 June 1945 [incomplete];
Track report: Tutong River;
Letter from A2 to A1 [Harrisson], 27 May 1945;
Spreadsheet and Report: Pengoleloe Loemboranis Districts, 28 May 1945;
Message from FNI to THH [regarding allocation of radio frequencies];
Letter to A1, Kualal Leofeng, 21 May 1945 [regarding successful ambush of Japanese Troops];
Note from B5 [Bower] to A1 [Harrisson], 28 May [1945];
Sketch map, by G6 [Griffiths], Blowit, 28-29 May [1945];
List: Outfit Medical (Z Special) Issue A (ARTHUR);
List: Outfit Medical (Z Special) Issue B (BETTY);
List: Outfit Medical (Z Special) Issue C (CLARENCE);
List: Outfit Medical (Z Special) Issue D (DOROTHY);
List: Outfit Medical (Z Special) Issue E (EVAN);
List: Outfit Medical (Z Special) Issue F (FRED);
List: Outfit Medical (Z Special) Issue G;
List: Outfit Medical (Z Special) Issue H from B6 [Bower] to A1 [Harrisson];
List: Report of HQ2 Stores, 29 April [1945];
Note from G9 [Griffiths] to A1 [Harrisson], 2 May 1945;
List: Gear to be taken by B6, HQ4, 4 May 1945;
Note from Wes to A1 [Harrisson], 31 May 1945;
List from HQ3 to A2, 28 April [1945];
Letter from B6 [Bower] to A1 [Harrisson], 29 May 1945 [regarding organising locals' requests for guns].