Reports regarding personnel, Japanese movements and plans for attack

Place Asia: Borneo
Accession Number AWM2017.7.145
Collection number 3DRL/6502
Collection type Digitised Collection
Record type File
Item count 32
Object type Papers
Physical description 135 Image/s captured
Maker Harrisson, Tom Harnett
Morshead, Leslie James
Place made Borneo
Date made 1945
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Records relating to the service of Major Tom H. Harrisson, DSO Reconnaissance Corps, British Army. Harrisson was seconded to Z Special Unit, Services Reconnaissance Department and served in Borneo as party leader on Operation Semut 1 during the Second World War. This file mainly includes reports reports regarding personnel, Japanese movements and plans for attack between Maj Tom Harrisson (code A1) Capt Eric Edmeades (code E1), WO Colin McPherson (codes M2 and M3), Capt Alfred Blondeel (B3), Cpl Charles Hardy (code H9) and Cpl Roland Griffiths-Marsh (code I8), Capt Eric Edmeades (code E1) and Lt Francis Leckie (code L2) and proclamations by Major General George Frederick Wootten and Lieutenant General Leslie James Morshead regarding military administration of British Borneo

This file includes:
Orders from A1 [Harrisson] to H7, ZHQ, 21 June [1945] regarding travel to Long Berang, providing medical supplies and briefing local Malays about their service;
Report V from Tom H[arrisson], 25 June 1945, regarding plans for attacking Japanese forces;
Report from Tom H[arrisson] headed Semut 1 General Report, 22 June 1945 [includes comment on personnel];
Weekly Statement: Semut 1 Situation Report from Tom H[arrissson], 20 June 1945, including occupation of Malinau, distribution of personnel and approach to Japanese GHQ;
Note: 20 June [1945] regarding status of Malinau district, Japanese in vicinity, stores left by Japanese, instructions to population, project to clean up Japs in Mensalong and send Dayaks home, trial of collaborators;
Notes [from Harrisson] headed page 4 Semut 1 Report from 22 June onwards [Regarding conference with Dutch DO of Long Berang];
Note in Malay from Aris Doemat, Belawit, 18 June 1945;
Note and sketch map from B7A to C3 [Cusack], Loembis, 17 June 1945 and postscript 18 June 1945, showing the Loembis area general layout and possibilities as a dropping zone;
Note from E1 to M3 (Tuan Mac), Long Semadoe, 21 June [1945] requesting M3 to continue daily notes and guard routes in Padas area;
List from H5 to A1 regarding medical stores on hand, 13 June [1945], report on trial packages dropped, 15 June 1945, medical bags received 14 June 1945 and supplies list;
Stores request from E3 to A1 [Harrisson] for medical and other supplies, arms, ammunition, 22 [June] 1945;
Note from B3 [Blondeel] to A1 [Harrisson], 24 June [1945] [regarding Japanese movement, prisoners, a note to the Dutch CO of Tarakan on administration, intelligence and prisoners, and the 'true story of the murders in 1942';
List: .303 Rifles, annotated 21 June 1945;
List from H9 [Hardy] to A1 [Harrisson], headed Stores in Tulat at 1900 hrs, 21 June 1945;
Note from M2 [McPherson] to A1 [Harrisson], Malanau, 23 June [1945] regarding personnel movement and reports of a ‘general landing of our troops at Sipitang';
Note from M3 [McPherson] to A1 [Harrisson], Sipitang, 24 June [1945] regarding reports of landing, Australian troops at Weston and Kumanis, Japanese at Marapok, and a description of Sipitang Beach;
Note from I8 [Griffiths-Marsh], Marapor, 24 June 1945, on Japanese locations, intention to headquarter at Marapor, controlling routes from Malaman, Iburu and Lawas;
Receipt [from Bigar] D.O. Lawas, 25 June 1945, money in payment for rice from Muruts for the people of Lawas people;
Note from S.H. to Ric, 25 June [1945], regarding rice supplies, development of Japanese military gardens at Trusan and Lawas, price stabilisation, food looting;
Message form from 2/28 Australian Inf. Div to 9 Australian Div Labuan referring to enclosed map - Sketch maps (2) from McPherson, 26 June 1945, showing tracks roads rivers and kampongs in an area between Sipitong and Iburu;
Letter from McPherson to Capt Lipman, Sipitang, 26 June [1945] [regarding Japanese movement and escape routes, and referring to above map];
Note from M3 [McPherson] to A1 [Harrisson], Sipitang, 25 June [1945] regarding small parties of Japanese using escape routes;
Note from M2 [McPherson] to A1 [Harrisson], Sipitang, 26 June [1945] regarding false reports of Japanese troops, request for assistance of a platoon, area of operations out of control, arrest of Japanese collaborator Amid;
Note from L2 [Leckie] to A1 [Harrisson], Loembis, 28 June 1945, regarding arrival at Loembis, request for arms and plan of attack on Labang;
Note from L2 [Leckie] to A1 [Harrisson], Loembis, 29 June 1945, regarding Japanese at Long Boeloe, plan to attack Long Boeloe and request for arms;
Note: Statement of Japanese killed in the Ulu Padas - Sinduman area to 29 June 1945;
Newspaper pages in Malay headed Soeloeh Indonesia, Khabar Perang, 18 July 1945.
Map drawn by N[H] headed Extract from Sindumin sheet 1" = 4 miles, 30 July 1945 [showing rivers, kampongs, tracks, boundaries]
Report headed Urgent Ulu Lawas & Lawas, undated, [regarding food, medicine, rubber estate and attitude of people]
Proclamation signed L.J. Morshead, General Officer Commanding First Australian Corps, headed Military Administration British Borneo Proclamation No 1, 10 June 1945, and [Malay] version headed Surat Surohan 1 [proclaiming martial law and establishing military administration]
Proclamation signed G.F. Wootten, Major General, General Officer Commanding Ninth Australian Division, headed Military Administration British Borneo Proclamation No 2 and [Malay] version headed Surat Surohan 2, 10 June 1945 [regarding offences punishable by death, imprisonment or fine]