Correspondence Semut 1 member (code A4)

Place Asia: Borneo
Accession Number AWM2017.7.211
Collection type Digitised Collection
Record type File
Item count 9
Object type Papers
Physical description 20 Image/s captured
Maker Harrisson, Tom Harnett
Place made Borneo
Date made 1945
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Records relating to the service of Major Tom H. Harrisson, DSO Reconnaissance Corps, British Army. Harrisson was seconded to Z Special Unit, Services Reconnaissance Department (SRD) and served in Borneo as party leader on Operation Semut 1 during the Second World War. This file titled 'A4' includes correspondence between Semut 1 member code A4 and Harrisson (code A1).
This file includes:
Note from A4 to A1 [Harrisson], 22 May 1945 [regarding C29 and C30]
Note from A4 to A1 [Harrisson], 21 May 1945;
A4 to A1 [Harrisson], 20 May 1945 [regarding communications];
Note [from A4] to A1 [Harrisson], 20 May 1945;
Note[ from A4] to C10, 18 May 1945 [request for letter from KON to C];
Note from A4 to A1 [Harrisson], 19 May 1945 [regarding work load];
Note from A4 to A1 [Harrisson], 18 May 1945 [apologising for impression of poor work ethic];
Note from A4 to A1 [Harrisson], 10 May 1945 [regarding extra troops, missing man];
Note [from A4] to A1 [Harrisson], 30 April 1945.