Place | Asia: Philippines, Luzon, Manila |
Accession Number | 019148 |
Collection type | Photograph |
Object type | Black & white, Landscape |
Physical description | Black & white, Landscape |
Date made | 4 September 1945 |
Conflict |
Second World War, 1939-1945 |
Copyright |
Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain
Manila, Philippines. 4 September 1945. Nurses in Manila, after release from internment at ...
Manila, Philippines. 4 September 1945. Nurses in Manila, after release from internment at Yokohama, at a prisoner of war (POW) processing unit on their way home. The larger group of which they were part was made up of Australian Army nurses, civilian nurses from the Rabaul Government Hospital, Methodist Missionary nurses and a civilian, Mrs Bignell, all captured at Rabaul, and Mrs E. Jones, an American school teacher captured in the Aleutian Islands. This image shows only four of the six Australian Army nurses. Lieutenant (Lt) Eileen Callaghan was very ill and was taken on board the American hospital ship Marigold in Yokohama Bay and eventually returned to Australia on the hospital ship Tjitjalengka. Lt Marjory Anderson left Japan with the others but became ill on Okinawa, where she was kept for eight days before she was well enough to fly on to Manila and eventually Australia. Left to right: Lt Daisy (Tootie) Keast, Australian Army Nursing Service (AANS); Captain Kay Parker, AANS; Lt Mavis Cullen, AANS; Lt Lorna Whyte, AANS.