War Memorial, The Junction, Newcastle, NSW, 30 July 1997

Accession Number AWM2017.1118.21
Collection type Photograph
Object type Print
Maker Aberhart, Laurence
Place made Australia: New South Wales, Newcastle, The Junction
Date made 30 July 1997
Conflict Period 1990-1999
First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright


Original caption: War Memorial, The Junction, Newcastle, NSW, 30 July 1997 silver gelatin, gold and selenium toned 1997/2003 #3 19.4 x 24.5 cm

This collection of 23 images represents Australian First World War memorials as photographed by Laurence Aberhart, an internationally renowned New Zealand photographer. They are a subset of a larger ANZAC series of images taken by Aberhart between 1980 and 2013 in New Zealand and Australia.

As documented in Ken Inglis’ book, Sacred Places, after the First World War, Australia ‘embarked on a remarkable programme of war memorial construction...’ These photographs document the memorials that came out of this post-war period and depict them as found in recent years. The images are a visual study of memorials showing both similarities in form but also their uniqueness as each was created by their communities to mark their mourning and loss.

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