Italy. C. 1944-03. On a cooking range which looks like an old fashioned steam engine, Corporal J. ...

Place Europe: Italy
Accession Number SUK11848
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white - Print silver gelatin
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Italy. C. 1944-03. On a cooking range which looks like an old fashioned steam engine, Corporal J. Harding of Waddesden, Bucks, turns out for the Sergeants' Mess of an RAF Wellington Squadron some of the best meals served. The range is built of bricks with an oil drum for a chimney. The fuel is a mixture of old engine oil and water, and the heat can be regulated. Here is the cook at work in his kitchen in the open - the squadron has named the range "Cookie's Chu-Choo".