Series 11 - Transcripts of interview with Lieutenant John Desmond Peck and the Imperial War Museum, 2000

Accession Number AWM2021.22.44
Collection number PR03098
Collection type Digitised Collection
Record type Series
Item count 1
Object type Papers
Physical description 26 Image/s captured
Maker Peck, John Desmond
Trustees of the Imperial War Museum (IWM)
Place made United Kingdom: England
Date made 2000
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945
Copying Provisions Digital format and content protected by copyright.
Source credit to This item has been digitised with funding provided by Commonwealth Government.

Collection relating to the Second World War service of VX9534 Lieutenant John Desmond "Johnny" "Des" Peck DCM, 2/7 Australian Infantry Battalion, Second Australian Imperial Force, Australia, Palestine, Greece, Crete, Italy, Switzerland and England, 1939-c. 2000.

This collection contains 12 series.

Series 11 of 12 - Contains 1 wallet containing two copies of an interview with John Desmond Peck, conducted by Heider Egger on behalf of the Imperial War Museum, 8 July 2000. Some topics discussed include: Peck’s childhood; why he chose to remain in Italy helping others escape to Switzerland rather than escaping himself; some of the key elements in Peck’s survival; some of his escape attempts and successes; and the trial in Vercelli.

Only one copy of the transcript has been digitised.