Life on the Line [Series 4, Episode 82, Vol I, Vol II and section of Christmas on the Line Vol III] John Cantwell

Accession Number AWM2020.1032.40
Collection type Sound
Object type Podcast
Physical description digital audio file; wave
Maker Cantwell, John Patrick
Hordern, Angus
Lloyd, Alex
Thistle Productions
Cantwell, John Patrick
Place made Australia: New South Wales, Sydney, Lindfield, Australia: New South Wales, Sydney, Turramurra
Access Open
Conflict Afghanistan, 2001-2021
Iraq, 2003-2013
Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright

Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Only personal, non-commercial, research and study use permitted. Permission of copyright holder required for any commercial use and/or reproduction.

John Cantwell interviewed for Life on the Line

Episode descriptions from

Vol I (14 July 2020) - Life on the Line tracks down Australian military veterans and records their stories. John Cantwell AO, DSC served in the Australian Army for 38 years, retiring at the rank of Major General. He had tours of duty in the First and Second Gulf War, and the War in Afghanistan. He began his career as a Private, saw intense frontline combat and in his final tour was the Commander of Australian Forces in the Middle East Area of Operations. John was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross in 2012 for his “inspired leadership, deep commitment to his people and superior performance on operations”. He is the author of the bestselling memoir, EXIT WOUNDS.

Vol II (15 July 2020) - Life on the Line tracks down Australian military veterans and records their stories. Today's episode is the second instalment of the conversation with Major General John Cantwell AO, DSC, picking up after John's second combat tour in Iraq in 2006 and being made Deputy Chief of Army in 2007. In this episode, John talks to Angus Hordern about commanding forces in Afghanistan, the responsibility of command, and the importance of talking openly and honestly about trauma.

Christmas on the Line Vol III (27 October 2020) - John Cantwell also came back on the show, after speaking earlier this season with Angus Hordern in a two-part conversation about his long career, to talk to Alex about the Battle of Derapet and his part in Dan Keighran’s story.

  • Listen to Life on the Line [Series 4, Episode 82, Vol I, Vol II and section of Christmas on the Line Vol III] John Cantwell
  • Listen to Part 2 of Life on the Line [Series 4, Episode 82, Vol I, Vol II and section of Christmas on the Line Vol III] John Cantwell