Place | Oceania: Australia, Northern Territory, Hughes Airstrip |
Accession Number | NWA0192 |
Collection type | Photograph |
Object type | Negative |
Place made | Australia: Australian Capital Territory, Canberra, Hughes |
Date made | March 1943 |
Conflict |
Second World War, 1939-1945 |
Copyright |
Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain
A crew of No. 2 Squadron RAAF in front of a Squadron Lockheed Hudson aircraft. Left to right: ...
A crew of No. 2 Squadron RAAF in front of a Squadron Lockheed Hudson aircraft. Left to right: 416683 Sergeant (Sgt, later Flying Officer [FO]) Cornelius Hastings Kealy, Wireless Air Gunner (WAG) of SA (partly obscured); 414081 Sgt (later Flight Lieutenant [Flt Lt]) Hugh Reilly, WAG of Qld; 250658 Flt Lt (later Squadron Leader [Sqn Ldr]) John Walter Robertson , Pilot, of Melbourne, Vic; 401497 Sgt (later Flying Officer [FO]) Kenneth Albert Duff, Observer, of Victoria; and 416080 Sgt Donald Arthur Emery, WAG of SA. Sgt Emery was killed in operations over Aru Island near Timor on 7th of May, 1943.