Two staff members of the United States Army Mortuary at Tan Son Nhut Airbase at work in the ...

Accession Number P02335.020
Collection type Photograph
Object type Transparency
Maker Holford, David Edward
Place made Vietnam: South Vietnam, Saigon
Date made 30 January 1971
Conflict Period 1970-1979
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC

Two staff members of the United States Army Mortuary at Tan Son Nhut Airbase at work in the packing area of the Out-Processing Section. On each side of the men are metal transfer cases in which the dead bodies of deceased American and allied soldiers are sent home. A banner mounted on the wall behind the men displays the Star of Judah and the Christian cross, while hanging from the ceiling are the flags of the USA and its allies in Vietnam. These flags are (left to right): the Stars and Stripes and the flags of South Vietnam, Australia, the Republic of Korea, Thailand and New Zealand. (Original 35mm half-frame transparency held in AWM Archive Store)

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