Thursday Island, Qld. 1912. Group portrait of members of F Subsection, Royal Australian Garrison ...

Accession Number P02508.014
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white
Physical description Black & white
Maker Chargeois, A
Conflict Period 1910-1919

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Thursday Island, Qld. 1912. Group portrait of members of F Subsection, Royal Australian Garrison Artillery. Corporal John Edward Hendry is front row, second from left. The battery at Thursday Island consisted of two forts, Green Hill and Milman Hill. The Battery had three subsections, A, B and F and consisted of one captain, two lieutenants and forty eight NCOs and men of the Queensland Regiment of the Royal Australian Artillery with one lieutenant and twenty four men in Brisbane ready for relief. The gunners are in shirt sleeves and trousers. Shirt Sleeve Order ensured that if you wore a shirt without a jacket, your sleeves must be rolled up. The artillery sergeant (third from left front row) has a dog resting between his feet. (Donor J. Hendry)

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