Accession Number | P02531.007 |
Collection type | Photograph |
Object type | Black & white - Film copy negative |
Date made | April 1944 |
Conflict |
Second World War, 1939-1945 |
Copyright |
Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain
Collection relating to the service of 432886 Edward Philip Telford Simpson
Cape Gloucester, New Britain. April 1944. A copy of the humorous citation for the `Order of the Pig's Arse and Six Bars', which was conferred upon Captain Art Claffy of the United States Marine Corps on 15 April 1944. Captain Claffy was attached to B Flight, No. 4 (Tactical Reconnaisance) Squadron RAAF as a Liaison Officer. The award was presented by the Squadron in a special ceremony aimed to relieve the monotony. The citation reads: `Ye Most ancient and Honourable Order of the PIG'S arse and Six Bars By Command of his Most Gracious and Deletable Satanic Majesty. This MOST ANCIENT and HONOURABLE ORDER is conferred upon Our Beloved Brother in Arms Capt Art Claffy of United States Marine Corps on this FIFTEENTH DAY of APRIL in the year of Our LORD, NINETEEN HUNDRED and FORTY-FOUR. Citation. This award is made for Meritorious and Conscientious distibution of the BUMPH. Otherwise known as GEN, DINKUM-OIL and GG, on all such occasions when it was fit and proper that the said BUMPH should be so distributed to all parties who would benefit or gain thereby. Furthermore, that this Officer, did, while on Active Service, carried out his duties outstandingly in spite of Obstacles and Interferences hereafter mentioned:- Poor telephone connections, cold shaving water, lack of liquorous beverages, persistance of Red Alerts, tropical diseases, bodily discomforts, red tape, hawkers, evangelists, racketeers, Generals, Colonels, Majors, ALOs, crap shooters and Hula Girls. "Let's do it Every Night." Therefore, We make the Award of this Honour as a recognition of the effort displayed in the production of the aforesaid BUMPH, knowing that the Award is commensurate with the effort displayed by this Officer. Order of Precedence. The wearer of this Most Ancient and Honourable Order shall have precedence over the wearers of any of the lesser Orders such as:- The Order of the Purple Fart. The Order of the Dirty Night. The Order of the Dirty Arse. The Order to Retire. The Cash Order. The Eviction Order. This Order shall be worn on all occasions as follows:- King's Levies, Occasions of State, Wendell Willkie's Press Conferences, Balls, Theatres, Dances, Public Dinners, and all such Formal Occasions. Also the Order shall be worn during times of domestic crisis such as:- Births, Marriages, Deaths, Funerals, Bath Nights, and during visits from the Bailiff. Limitations. The privilages [sic] and prerogatives attached to this Award shall not be taken lightly nor abused, but due decorum must be observed and it shall at all times be removed before entering Beer Halls, Bull Rings, or Brothels, or mixing in Brawls. It shall not be pawned or loaned to another, nor shall it be used for gain or to procure favours, or as a trade mark for beans, or any other product, nor shall it be floated into a Company such as:- Pig's Arse Pork Producers Pty., nor shall it be given to the children to play with, but shall serve only to remind the wearer of the Glory with which he has surrounded himself and the esteem in which he is held by his fellows, because of his capacity to pass the BUMPH. final. It is hereby emphasised that all men must pay due respect to the wearer of the Order and any mention of his name either verbally or in writing must be suffixed by the letters O.P.A., which apply to the Order. This Order is hereby Awarded, Given and Bequeathed to Our Beloved Brother in Arms, CAPT ART CLAFFY. O.P.A. to be held by him and his Heirs for all time henceforth. Under the HAND and SEAL on this FIFTEENTH DAY of APRIL in the year of our LORD, NINETEEN HUNDRED and FORTY-FOUR. SIGNED Mephistopeles [sic] His Most Gracious and Deletable Satanic Majesty.' The citation includes the logo for No. 4 TAC/R Squadron which displays a bird in flight, crossed rifles and the motto `Co-operate to Conquer'.