Accession Number | P02739.005 |
Collection type | Photograph |
Object type | Negative |
Maker |
Highlight Pictures |
Place made | Canada: Quebec, Montreal |
Date made | June 1941 |
Conflict |
Second World War, 1939-1945 |
Copyright |
Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain
Group portrait of Wireless Operators and Air Gunners of the 5th Canadian Draft (Canada 5) , RAAF ...
Group portrait of Wireless Operators and Air Gunners of the 5th Canadian Draft (Canada 5) , RAAF course held at the Wireless School, Montreal, Canada over the period 2 February 1941 to 23 June 1941. Many of the assembled also attended the Bomb Aimers and Gunnery School (BAGS) course at Jarvis, Canada from 26 June 1941 to 25 July 1941.
Identified left to right:
Back Row: 402919 Leading Aircraftman (LAC) James Richard (Jim) Evans; 402920 LAC John Edwin Flecknoe, killed on 16 June 1943 on operations in the Middle East; 402926 LAC Errol Renold Royston; 402930 LAC George Douglas Voyzey, accidentally killed on 23 January 1943 at Camden, NSW; 402978 LAC Bertie Clifford James (Bert) Pearson, accidentally killed on 23 January 1943 at Camden, NSW; LAC Barry Brown; LAC Bob Stevens; 404779 LAC John Kennedy (Jack) Cullen, killed on 12 October 1942 on operations over Germany; 404582 LAC James Pearce Massey (Jim) Grace, killed on 8 April 1943 on operations over Germany; 404638 LAC Donald Hunter (Don) Bain, killed on 2 March 1942 on operations over the North Atlantic; 404781 LAC John Francis (Jack) Clarkson; 404674 LAC James Alfred (Jim) Marshall; 402982 LAC Evarista Pierre (Ev) Dubois, killed on 20 January 1943 on operations over Iceland; 402981 LAC Findlay Norman Thomas Urquhart.
Fourth Row: 404783 LAC Sydney Frederick (Sid) Miller, killed on 1 June 1943 on operations over the U.K. coast; 402411 LAC Harold Menzies Spence, killed on 11 June 1942 on operations over the Netherlands; O11329 (404463) LAC Raymond Victor Banks DFM; 403018 LAC Richard William (Dick) Rollason, accidentally killed on 24 May 1942 in the U.K.; 403017 LAC Robert Darval (Bob) Barton; 402970 LAC Ronal Edward (Ron) Ellison; 402008 LAC Arthur George (Mat) Schwager, killed on 18 August 1942 on operations in the Middle East; 402983 LAC Reginald Cyril (Reg) Shannon; 400907 LAC Roger Peryman Wishart, killed on 30 January 1944 on operations over the Netherlands; 400906 LAC Reginal Clarke (Reg) Sprague; 402363 LAC Kenneth William (Ken) Kermode, killed on 11 May 1942 on operations over the North Atlantic; 402979 LAC Robert George (Bob) Reynolds, killed on 3 September 1942 on operations over Abee, Belgium; 402904 LAC Victor Medway (Vic) Arnold; 404782 LAC Ian William Mackenzie, killed on 7 May 1943 on operations over the Celebes Islands, Indonesia; 402973 LAC John Baldwin (Johnny) Hunt.
Third Row: 402914 Reginald John (Reg) Bateup; 400753 LAC Patrick Mannix (Pat) Gleeson; 402757 LAC Robert Barnsley (Bob) Smith, DFC, accidentally killed on 9 April 1944 in the U.K.; 404801 LAC Leslie Martin (Les) Hewitt; 404776 LAC William Harold (Harold) Goodrich; 402915 LAC Geoffrey Austin (Geoff) Chew; 404696 LAC Philip George (Phil) Trappett; 402980 LAC Gordon Francis (Frank) Wood, DFC, accidentally killed on 13 August 1943 in the U.K.; 404727 LAC Morris Charles (Maurie) Newman; 402890 LAC Francis Frey (Peter) Stokes, accidentally killed on 29 December 1943 over the North Sea; 402917 LAC Norman Clarence Darr, killed on 15 June 1942 on operations over the Mediterranean Sea; 402778 LAC Stanley Thompson (Stan) Shoobert.
Second Row: 402975 LAC Charles (Charlie) Lee; 404780 LAC Rayphael William (Ray) Heathwood; 402972 LAC Rodger Sanderman Bertram Greene; 404778 LAC Ian Douglas Buchanan Yuille; 400902 LAC Stanley Birdwood (Stan) King; O16105 (404802) LAC Lewis Charles (Lou) Marriott; 402977 LAC Norman Oliver (Norm) Morrow; 400901 LAC Harold William Kent, DFM; 402923 LAC Robert Alan (Alan) Grant-Stevenson; 400340 FO Patrick Carnegy (Pat) Buchan.
Front Row: O33082 LAC James Clark (Jim) Fletcher; 406100 LAC Ronald Edward (Ron) Kendrick; 404640 LAC Joseph Vincent (“Pidgie”) Busuttin; Flying Officer (FO) Richardson; FO Davis; Wally Clarkson (Y.M.C.A. representative); LAC Barney Heffernan; 400903 LAC Harold Edwin Kitteringham; 400904 LAC David Stanley (Stan) Neal, killed on 18 August 1942 on operations in the Middle East.
Absentees: 404774 Ashley Creswick Steer; J. Clark; 402927 Colin Morton Searle; 402950 Flight Sergeant Oliver Willis Osborne (killed in an accident in the Middle East on 01 June 1942); 402916 John Ronald Connors; 402921 Mervyn Joseph Frith; 402924 Flight Sergeant Knox William Heggaton (lost on operations over the North Sea on 11 May 1942); 402976 Robert Stanley Mead; 404586 Sergeant Walter Edward Mason (lost on operations over the United Kingdom on 21 July 1942); 402925 Ray McNabb, accidentally killed on 6 July 1941 in Canada during the BAGS, Jarvis course; 402929 Charles Taggart, accidentally killed on 6 July 1941 in Canada during the BAGS, Jarvis course; 402922 William Lionel Gibbs killed on 13 May 1943 on operationsover the Netherlands; 402861 Reginald Patrick Howard; 402971 John Irving Giddey; 400905 Stanley Francis Norton; 403675 Allan Raymond Marriott.
Related information
- Wood, Gordon Francis
- Smith, Robert Barnsley
- Darr, Norman Clarence
- Gibbs, William Lionel
- Flecknoe, John Edwin
- Dubois, Evariste Pierre
- Cullen, John Kennedy
- Grace, James Pearce Massey
- Bain, Donald Hunter
- Wishart, Rodger Peryman
- Spence, Harold Menzies
- Voyzey, George Douglas
- Wood, Gordon Francis
- Schwager, Arthur George
- MacKenzie, Ian William
- Stokes, Francis Frey
- Rollason, Richard William
- Pearson, Bertie Clifford James
- Reynolds, Robert George
- Osborne, Oliver Willis
- Miller, Sydney Frederick
- Mason, Walter Edward
- Kermode, Kenneth William
- Heggaton, Knox William