ALC 40's of 41st Landing Craft Company, Royal Australian Engineers crossing the Coral Sea during ...

Accession Number 018153
Collection type Photograph
Object type Negative
Maker Edwards, Reg J
Place made At sea
Date made 27 May 1945
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


ALC 40's of 41st Landing Craft Company, Royal Australian Engineers crossing the Coral Sea during the first stage of the voyage from Cairns, Qld, to Jacquinot Bay on the southern coast of New Britain. Extremely choppy weather was experienced for two days during the crossing. Twenty Australian built barges comprising nineteen ALC 40's and one ALC 120 completed an epic voyage. The task was completed in fourteen days without mishap, although one vessel was obliged to turn back to Cairns during the first day out owing to engine trouble.

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