A group of twenty six medical officers talking outside a tent after a lecture by Sir Victor ...

Accession Number A02505
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white - Print silver gelatin
Maker Unknown
Place made Ottoman Empire: Turkey, Marmara, Chanak, Gallipoli Peninsula
Date made 15 October 1915
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


A group of twenty six medical officers talking outside a tent after a lecture by Sir Victor Horsley on the effects of gunshot wounds to the head. This was the precursor of the Anzac Medical Association which was formally convened on 7 November 1915 with Colonel (Col) Neville Howse VC as its chairman. Identified are, from left to right: Tozer (white armband); White; Capt A. J. Aspinall; unidentified (pipe); unidentified (back to camera, left); unidentified (back to camera); A. D. Barton (looking at camera); unidentified; unidentified; unidentified; Stack (lighting pipe); unidentified; unidentified; Officer Commanding English Clearing (armband, cane); unidentified; Col Graham Patrick Dixon OBE (hands in pockets); unidentified; unidentified; unidentified; Officer of English Clearing (armband); unidentified (face); Carlisle (pipe); Gordon; Sykes, Royal Army Medical Corps.

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