Dili, East Timor. 20 December 1999. Members of A Battery, 8th/12th Medium Regiment singing "Merry ...

Accession Number P03248.039
Collection type Photograph
Object type Negative
Maker Sharpe, Wendy Elizabeth
Place made Timor: Dili
Date made 20 December 1999
Conflict East Timor, 1999-2013
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC
Source credit to Acquired through Australian War Memorial official commission 2000

Dili, East Timor. 20 December 1999. Members of A Battery, 8th/12th Medium Regiment singing "Merry Christmas" for a Channel Nine film crew. Identified are 112214 Warrant Officer Class 2 C. P. (Col) Watego (standing, centre, with hand obscuring face), Battery Sergeant Major, Brown (third to the left of Watego), Williamson (sitting in front of Brown) and Sergeant Hawken (centre, foreground). Williamson, the soldier sitting next to him to the right, and the soldier standing to the far right are holding an F89 Minimi 5.56mm machine guns. The soldier standing also has a detachable box magazine.

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