Place | Asia: Netherlands East Indies, Sumatra |
Accession Number | P00431.001 |
Collection type | Photograph |
Object type | Black & white - Print silver gelatin |
Maker |
The Advertiser Krischok Photo |
Place made | Australia: South Australia, Adelaide, Australia: South Australia, Adelaide |
Date made | September 1945 |
Conflict |
Second World War, 1939-1945 |
Copyright |
Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain
Homecoming of Australian Army Nursing Service members
Australian Army Nursing Service (AANS) members C Jean (Jenny) Ashton of the 2/13th Australian General Hospital (2/13 AGH) and E Mavis Hannah of the 2/4th Casualty Clearing Station (2/4 CCS) at a homecoming celebration. Both were POWs of the Japanese in Sumatra for three and a half years and aboard the SS Vyner Brooke when it was sunk.