Studio portrait of 2744 Corporal (Cpl) William Hermann Zoring, 47th Battalion from Brisbane, ...

Accession Number H06142
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white - Print silver gelatin
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Studio portrait of 2744 Corporal (Cpl) William Hermann Zoring, 47th Battalion from Brisbane, Queensland. A 20 year old railway night officer prior to enlisting on 5 September 1916, he embarked for overseas as a Private with the 6th Reinforcements from Brisbane on 27 October 1916 aboard HMAT Marathon. While serving in France, he was promoted to Lance Corporal in 1917 and then to Corporal on 22 January 1918. He died on 16 May 1918 of wounds received in action and was buried in the Adelaide Cemetery, Villers-Bretonneux, France.