Lieutenant Colonel James Curnow Hughes MC as the lieutenant colonel Commanding Officer 4th Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment/New Zealand (ANZAC), South Vietnam 1971, interviewed by Lieutenant Colonel Robin Morison

Place Asia: Vietnam
Accession Number S01418
Collection type Sound
Measurement 2 hr 54 min
Object type Oral history
Physical description 1/4 inch sound tape reel; BASF LP 35; 1 7/8 ips/4.75 cm.s; half track mono; 5 inch
Maker Hughes, James Curnow "Jim"
Morison, Robin Frederick
Hughes, James Curnow "Jim"
Date made 16 November 1971
Access Open
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: Commonwealth of Australia copyright

Copying Provisions Copying not permitted
Source credit to Official History Unit oral history program

Hughes speaks of the build-up of 4th Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment and its deployment to South Vietnam; Operation Hermit Park, 14 June-27 July 1971 and Operation Iron Fox, 28 July-5 August 1971, both astride the Phuoc Tuy-Long Khanh provincial border, NNW of the 1st Australian Task Force base at Nui Dat; other operations in which the battalion had contacts with the enemy.

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