The Scrap of Paper

Place Europe: United Kingdom
Accession Number ARTV00441
Collection type Art
Measurement Overall: 81.7 x 54.9 cm [irregular]
Object type Poster
Physical description chromolithograph on paper
Maker Unknown
Parliamentary Recruiting Committee
H.W. & V. Ltd
Place made United Kingdom: England, Greater London, London
Date made 1914
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


British recruiting poster produced early in the war. Depicts the 'scrap of paper' signed by representatives of the Six Powers (Russia, France, Britain, Germany, Belgium, Austria) at the Treaty of London in 1839. It is a reproduction of the original: next to each signature is affixed the red seal of representative countries. This treaty was designed to guarantee the neutrality and independence of Belgium. It was referred to as a mere 'scrap of paper' by the German Chancellor. The individual signatures read as Palmerston (Britain) Sylvain Van De Weyer (Belgium), Senfft (Austria), H Sebastiani (France), Bülow (Germany). and Pozzo Di Borgo (Russia). The title is printed in red, and occupies the top fifth of the poster, and the slogan 'ENLIST TO-DAY', is also printed in red, and occupies the bottom of the poster. The remainder of the text is printed in black ink.

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