Idris. The Navy, Army and Air Force Institute (NAAFI) van (a mobile canteen) visiting 78 Fighter ...

Accession Number MALTA0301
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white - Film original negative 3x4" safety base
Maker Sebastian, Jeffrey Graham (Jerry)
Place made North Africa: Libya, Castel Benito
Date made 1952-1954
Conflict Period 1950-1959

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Idris. The Navy, Army and Air Force Institute (NAAFI) van (a mobile canteen) visiting 78 Fighter Wing RAAF at their desert airfield, which was an RAF base south of Tripoli in Libya. While based in Malta between 1952 and 1954, the Wing operated from various bases around the Mediterranean.

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