Informal portrait of Leading Aircraftman Colin Barton of Young, NSW, who will be one of ten ...

Accession Number MALTA0809
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white - Film original negative 3x4" safety base
Maker Sebastian, Jeffrey Graham (Jerry)
Place made Malta
Date made c October 1953
Conflict Period 1950-1959

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Informal portrait of Leading Aircraftman Colin Barton of Young, NSW, who will be one of ten airmen from 78 Fighter Wing RAAF to attend a special ceremony at Runnymede in Surrey, England on 17 October. The service is being held before thousands of next of kin from all over the Commonwealth. At the service the Queen will unveil a magnificent monument to commemorate all those Commonwealth airmen who were killed in the Second World War and whose graves cannot be traced. The Wing's tour of duty in Malta affords many opportunities for personnel to attend special events such as this, and to take part in exercises and armament practice camps at bases around the Mediterranean.

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