Military historian C.E.W. Bean : another view / Barry Clissold.

Collection type Library
Author Clissold, Barry.;
Call Number C 355.00994 S118
Document type Journal Article
Year 1982
Citation Sabretache : the journal of the Military Collectors Society of Australia. Sabretache : the journal of the Military Historical Society of Australia.: 1982, 23, 2
Pagination 11 - 14

There are many who believe that Australian have few peers on the battlefield. There are others who would argue that this is an assumption based on historical myth created by Australia's military historian, C.E.W. Bean. Although this view may be superficial, and restricted to the War of 1914 - 1918 which was essentially Bean's major work, it is certainly true that Bean identified Australia's national character using performance in war as a major criteria. Did Bean create a military stereotype or was he merely reflecting the era in which he lived and reported ? .