Private Eric John Samuel Molloy

Service number 6769
Birth Place Australia: New South Wales, Sydney, Newtown
Death Date 1917-10-04
Death Place Belgium
Final Rank Private
Service Australian Imperial Force
Unit 1st Australian Infantry Battalion
Conflict/Operation First World War, 1914-1918

Private Eric John Samuel Molloy (6769, 1st Battalion) was born in Newtown, NSW. He was working as a machinist when he enlisted in May 1916. Eric was also a bugler, and purchased his own bugle to take with him when he embarked overseas. Eric and three other men were killed and buried by a shell in the front lines at Passchendaele on 4 October 1917. They were dug out and buried just behind the trench, but later their graves could not be found. Eric is commemorated on the Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Ypres, Belgium. His mother later wrote that he 17 years 3 months of age.



Date of enlistment 16 May 1916
Date of embarkation 08 November 1916
Date of death 04 October 1917
Date of fate 04 October 1917