Flight Lieutenant Louis Tregillis Ross Anderson

Service number 263500
Birth Date 1905-05-08
Birth Place Australia: Tasmania, Hobart
Death Date 1985-05-05
Death Place Australia: Queensland, Buderim
Conflict/Operation Second World War, 1939-1945

Flight Lieutenant Louis Tregillis Ross Anderson enlisted to the Royal Australian Air Force in late 1941. He was trained as a cypher, and posted to the Cooktown Royal Australian Air Force Station. In August 1942, Flight Lieutenant Anderson was posted to Milne Bay, New Guinea. Due to the absence of more senior officers, he took a leading role on the Air Force station there, and acted as a liaison between the Army and the Air Force during the Battle of Milne Bay. Flight Lieutenant Anderson was posted to Fighter Control in Port Moresby, New Guinea in 1943. There, he served as an Aircraft Identification Officer, tracking Allied and enemy aircraft in New Guinea airspace. In late 1943, Flight Lieutenant Anderson returned to Australia. He was discharged on 14 August 1944.


Date of birth 08 May 1905
Date of enlistment 02 December 1941
Date of discharge 14 August 1944
Date of death 05 May 1985