Members of Spitfire No. 453 Squadron RAAF at RAF station Skaebrae in the Orkneys, discuss their ...

Place Europe: United Kingdom, Scotland
Accession Number UK0701
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white
Physical description Black & white
Place made United Kingdom: Scotland
Date made 17 October 1943
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Members of Spitfire No. 453 Squadron RAAF at RAF station Skaebrae in the Orkneys, discuss their trip on arrival at their new location. Left to right: 412624 Flying Officer (FO, later Flight Lieutenant [Flt Lt]) Leo McAuliffe, Bexley, NSW; 401543 Pilot Officer (later Flt Lt) George Jackson Stansfield, Richmond, Vic; FO F J Catchpole, London, RAF Intelligence Officer; 404795 Squadron Leader (Sqn Ldr, later Wing Commander [Wing Cdr]) Donald George Andrews DFC, Southport, Qld, Squadron Commanding Officer; 412491 Flight Sergeant (Flt Sgt, later FO) Fred Foster Cowpe, Rooty Hill, NSW, "shooting a line." Flt Lt McAuliffe was lost on operations over the Netherlands on 17 March 1945.