Australian War Memorial welcomes findings of ANAO report

Parade ground of the Australian War Memorial nearing completion

The Australian War Memorial welcomes the Australian National Audit Office findings, which found the Memorial has established ‘largely effective’ frameworks for project management, procurement and contract management.

The ANAO initiated the audit to assess whether the Memorial was effectively managing $548.7 million dollars in funding for the Development project which commenced in 2019. The ANAO report made five recommendations, all of which have been accepted by the Memorial.

“The positive findings of this report illustrate the significant achievements particularly across critical matters involving probity and transparency while procuring goods and services within 221 contracts to build the Memorial’s Development Project,” Memorial Director, Matt Anderson said.

“I am proud of the way the Memorial has continued to deliver this project of national significance during the added challenge of keeping the Memorial open to the public as the centre of national commemoration, while adapting simultaneously to the impacts of COVID and record high construction inflation,” Mr Anderson said.    

Kim Beazley, Chairman of the Australian War Memorial Council, also welcomed the report.

 “The Memorial believes the Report will provide Government with assurance that, through clearly documented strategic planning, innovative solutions and constant improvement, it has successfully managed the Development in order to deliver high quality and value for money outcomes for veterans, their families and all Australians,” Mr Beazley said.

“We sincerely thank the ANAO for the overall positive findings on our performance,” Mr Beazley concluded.

The Development project is on time for completion in 2028. One of the first milestones, the Parade ground, will have construction fencing removed over the coming days as the Memorial prepares to host the Anzac Day RSL ACT Veterans March on April 25.

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