New Council Members for the Australian War Memorial

2 mins read

Today the Australian War Memorial welcomed its newest Council members, Wing Commander Sharon Bown (Retd) and Corporal Daniel Keighran VC.

Wing Commander Bown and Corporal Keighran were appointed to the Council of the Australian War Memorial in June this year as the Honourable Graham Edwards AM and Ms Gabrielle Trainor complete their terms.

The Memorial’s Director, Dr Brendan Nelson, welcomed Bown and Keighran to the Council and thanked the outgoing members for their dedication and commitment through a period of immense and positive transformation.

“It is with great enthusiasm that we welcome Wing Commander Bown and Corporal Keighran VC to the Council of the Australian War Memorial. The experience and expertise of these two Afghanistan veterans will be invaluable,” said Dr Nelson.

“Wing Commander Bown has had a distinguished career with the Royal Australian Air Force, commencing as a nursing officer in 1999. She has held command appointments in both operational and garrison settings, including as officer-in-charge of the Australian Medical Task Force in Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan.

“Corporal Keighran enlisted in the Australian Army at 17 and served his country as part of the 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, discharging from full-time service in 2011. Corporal Keighran deployed to Rifle Company Butterworth in Malaysia in 2001 and 2004; Timor-Leste in 2003–04; Iraq in 2006; and Afghanistan in 2007 and 2010.

“Corporal Keighran is the only Victoria Cross recipient from the Sixth Battalion Royal Australian Regiment since it was formed 68-years ago,” said Dr Nelson.  

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