Summer at the Australian War Memorial – Sights, sounds, and stories

2 mins read

Holiday-makers and visitors to Canberra will be treated to a broad range of activities at the Australian War Memorial as part of its summer holiday program Sights, sounds, and stories.

Director, Dr Brendan Nelson, today presented the Memorial’s wide-ranging program of activities and tours planned for visitors to Canberra during the summer period, catering from young children through to the veteran community.

“Through Sights, sounds, and stories, we at the Memorial hope to provide our visitors with new experiences and a greater understanding of Australia’s military history. With the Memorial’s vast collection there is always something new to see here,” Dr Nelson said.

“The summer program showcases our military history alongside the personal stories and anecdotes of those individuals who served our country.”

Attractions and activities for visitors over the holiday period include:

  • Free tours
  • Commemorative Area late-night openings
  • Children’s holiday programs
  • Film screenings
  • Viewing of Mephisto (the world’s rarest tank)
  • Public talks
  • Last Post Ceremony

Dr Nelson noted the Last Post Ceremony and the German First World War tank, Mephisto, have attracted large numbers of visitors to the Memorial.

“The Sights, sounds, and stories program has been designed to attract visitors to Canberra and the Memorial over the summer holidays, from late December 2015 through to February 2016. We hope it will be an exciting and engaging period for our summertime visitors,” Dr Nelson said.

For more information on Sights, Sounds, and Stories, go to the Australian War Memorial website at

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