Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

Publicly available information released following an FOI access request

The Australian War Memorial is required by section 11C of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 to publish a disclosure log on its website. The disclosure log lists information which has been released in response to an FOI access request. This requirement has applied since 1 May 2011.

The disclosure log requirement does not apply to:

  • personal information about any person if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
  • information about business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
  • other information covered by a determination made by the Australian Information Commissioner if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
  • any information if it is not reasonably practicable to publish the information because of the extent of modifications that would need to be made to delete the information listed in the above dot points.

The information described in this register has been released by the Australian War Memorial under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and is available for public access.

A link is provided if the information can be downloaded from this website or another website.

Information that is not available on a website may be obtained by writing to GPO Box 345, Canberra City, ACT, 2601, or by email from 

A charge may be imposed to reimburse the Australian War Memorial for the cost incurred in copying or reproducing the information or sending it to you. There will be no charge for the time spent by the Australian War Memorial in processing the FOI request that led to this information being made available. You will be notified if any charge is payable and be required to pay the charge before the information is provided.

There may be documents in the disclosure log that are currently not available in html format. If you are unable to read the format provided please contact the Freedom of Information Contact officer as above. We will try to meet all reasonable requests for an alternate format of the document in a timely manner and at the lowest reasonable cost to you.

Section 11C requires the Australian War Memorial to publish certain information released in response to an FOI access request within 10 working days of the decision to release. The Australian War Memorial will publish the information within this legislative timeframe.

The Australian War Memorial will generally publish this information for a 12 month period from the date the information is released in response to an FOI access request. The disclosure log will list only those FOI access requests where information has been released and a decision to publish the information has been made (i.e. the information is not otherwise exempt from publication under s11C provisions outlined above).


FOI reference number

Date access granted to applicant

Scope of request (summary)

Link to document(s)

2024-25-03 13-09-2024

All documents and correspondence generated in the course of the decision increasing the rate of pay for casual VSOs employed by Hoban, in line with APS 3 employees. This may include, but is not limited to, the decision to not pay casual VSOs employed by Hoban Saturday penalty rates.

The timeframe for the request starts from the first piece of correspondence or document that initiated this decision (and not any previous attempts or deliberations) until today, 17 July 2024.

Exclude any spreadsheets or documents primarily containing any financial calculations or modelling and any duplicate documents.


Released document (767.82 KB)
2023-24-10 02-08-2024

War Memorial Council decisions, Council agenda papers or Memorial internal documentation relating to the adoption of the corporate document Australian War Memorial Strategic Plan 2023-28 (dated 2023), with particular reference to the paragraph on page 6: 'Our Purpose: To commemorate the sacrifice of those Australians who have died in war or on operational service and those who have served our nation' during the period 1 December 2022 to April 2023.

Released document (1017.27 KB)
2023-24-09 07-06-2024
Emails and letters between the Australian War Memorial (including to and from Craig Stockings) and the DFAT that discuss suggested content changes, variations, inclusions and omissions for Volume 2 of the official history of Australia’s East Timor operations
Emails and letters between the Australian War Memorial that discuss publication, publications dates or the withholding of publication, of Volume 2 of the official history of Australia’s East Timor operations
2023-24-07 18-04-2024

Any Memorial Council decision, or Council agenda papers, or internal memoranda dated on or after 10 November 2022 (Council Meeting 179) relating to the Council decision of 19 August 2022 (Council Meeting 178) on ‘Frontier Violence’ or modifying or referring to or revising the decision of 19 August 2022

For the period May to November 2023, any internal Memorial memoranda, Memorial advice to the Senate Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade Committee, or advice from the Committee to the Memorial, in each case relating to the Answer to Senate Estimates Question on Notice 597

Released document (448.26 KB)
2023-24-04 28-03-2024

Any document (external or internal) that deals with why casual visitor services officers are engaged on award rates and conditions instead of APS rates and conditions

Released document (597.71 KB)
2023-24-06 12-02-2024

Any emails or other communications (eg. meeting invitations/speeches/ videos/transcripts/memorandums/revised chief executive instructions or equivalent) directed at all staff about either the Royal Commission on the Robo-debt Scheme (‘the Royal Commission’), or the government response to the Royal Commission

Any emails or other communications (eg. meeting invitations/speeches/ videos/transcripts/memorandums/revised chief executive instructions or equivalent) directed at all SES (or equivalent) staff about the Royal Commission on the Robo-debt Scheme, or the government response to the Royal Commission

Any brief prepared for Senate estimates in October 2023 relating to how the agency was responding to the Royal Commission or the government response to the Royal Commission

Any brief, agenda paper, submission (or similar) to the agency’s executive leadership group/senior leadership group (or however named in your agency) about how the agency was responding to the Royal Commission or implementing the government response to the Royal Commission

Any document relating to changing training modules/induction (or similar) (whether internally or externally delivered), to incorporate information about the Royal Commission or the government response to the Royal Commission.

Released document (467.78 KB)
2023-24-01 18-09-2023

Documents, emails, briefing notes and correspondence from 01/01/2022-present in relation to considerations about Ben Roberts-Smith-related displays at the Australian War Memorial. Documents, emails and briefing notes from 01/01/2022-present discussing the outcome of the Federal Court proceedings Ben Robert Smith v Fairfax Media Publications Pty Ltd & Ors

2023-24-02 29-08-2023

All internal correspondence - including but not limited to emails and text messages - with Ben Roberts-Smith related to the decision to display the image attached to this email in the Australian War Memorial.

2022-23-21 31-07-2023

The original, full and unedited copy of any photo of Ben Roberts-Smith currently or previously displayed in the Australian War Memorial since he was awarded his Victoria Cross.

Please email if you require access to the documents

2022-23-19 17-07-2023 Any internal documents mentioning Ben Roberts-Smith for the period June 1-4 2023.
2022-23-16                  26-04-2023

Assessments of the contents of the completed book ‘Born of Fire and Ash’ by Craig Stockings

The decision to hold a launch of the book on December 6, 2022, for which invitations were sent out on October 31, 2022, including assessments, requests and/or recommendations relating to the launch

The decision to postpone the launch, which was conveyed to invitees on November 1. 2022, including the date on which the decision was made and the reason/s for the decision

The decision to notify invitees of the postponement  

The decision to hold an ‘In Conversation’ event on March 15, 2023, involving book author Professor Craig Stockings discussing the book with AWM chairman Kim Beazley

Reasons for holding an ‘In Conversation’ event instead of a formal launch

The guest list for the originally proposed launch, scheduled for December 6, 2022

The guest list for the ‘In Conversation’ event subsequently held on March 15, 2023

Discussion/s about who should and/or should not be invited to: 

            the original postponed event 

            the subsequently held event. 

2022-23-14     24/03/2023

All briefing and correspondence associated with the AWM's decision to give both brass from the AWM's "Roll of Honour and gold from the 1919 King's Cup trophy to Mr Chris Hartley and/or "The King's Cup Organising Committee".

2022-23-08 8/12/2022 A copy of the Australian War Memorial’s estimates briefing pack, including back pockets briefs, for the 2022 October and November Budget Estimates.
Released document (12.91 MB)
2022-23-07 4/10/2022 Copy of Minutes (and/or other record of discussion and decision) of the War Memorial Council insofar as they relate to the decision mentioned by Dr Nelson, Chair of Council, in Press Conference at the Memorial, 29 September 2022, including any minuting of discussion as well as of the decision itself.
2022-23-06 28/09/2022 A copy of the recent relevant council paper on Frontier Wars and the resultant unit relating to council's consideration to that paper
2022-23-04 17/10/2022 A copy of instrument of reappointment of Anthony John Abbott as part-time member of the Council of the Memorial.
2021-22-06 08/07/2022

Access to the following:

(a) advice from the Memorial in approximately March or April 2022 to the then Minister for Veterans Affairs recommending the appointment of Ms Sharon Bown and Mr Daniel Keighran VC as members of the Council of the Memorial;

(b) copy of Gazette notice(s) or other official notification of appointments of Ms Bown and Mr Keighran as members of the Council of the Memorial for three-year terms commencing 5 May 2022.

Released document (437.05 KB)
2021-22-05 10/03/2022

Australian War Memorial Sponsorship and Marketing Policy  

Australian War Memorial  Code of Ethics

Agreement between Australian War Memorial and Lockheed Martin for the Veteran Podcast Series, and any other agreements/memoranda between the Australian War Memorial and Lockheed Martin

Documents relating to Australian War Memorial due diligence requirements or processes and/or risk assessments relating to the Lockheed Martin Veteran Podcast Series agreement,  and other agreements/memoranda between the Australian War Memorial and Lockheed Martin

Australian War Memorial council minutes and/or council file notes and/or council documentation relating to discussions or decisions about Lockheed Martin, or with any reference to Lockheed Martin, between January 2020 and the date this request is received.
Released document (19.94 MB)
2021-22-04 11/03/2022

Minutes or record of meeting of the Australian Heritage Council (AHC) meeting December 2021, insofar as they relate to a heritage management plan (HMP) submitted by the Australian War Memorial (AWM).

Advice from the AHC or DAWE providing feedback to the AWM on the AWM's HMP following the AHC meeting of December 2021.

Any responses (to the AHC or DAWE post-December 2021 feedback) sent by the AWM to the AHC or DAWE, including any AWM requests for further feedback from the AHC.

Copy of the conditions attaching to the Australian Heritage Council's approval of the Australian War Memorial's revised Heritage Management Plan or advice of where these conditions may be found in the public domain.

Released document
2021-22-03    22/02/2022  Statements or disclosure (however described) of actual or potential conflicts of interests made by the members of the Council of the Australian War Memorial who held office as at the time of this request (24 January 2022); 

The disclosures that members of the Council of the Australian War Memorial would be required to make under section 29 of the Public Governance, Performance, and Accountability Act 2012(Cwth) 
Released document
2021-2022-02 25/11/2021 A digital copy of the "excel spreadsheet" which includes "around 2000" names contained within the 83 Commonwealth Gazettes provided to the AWM by Defence Honours and Awards.

Released document 1

Released document 2

2021-2022-01                   03/12/2021    Restitution or claims logs relating to the AWM’s collection for the last ten years made by countries (e.g. governments or national institutions), rather than individual restitution claims made within Australia. Released document



General correspondence with customers regarding the development project, as well as directions or correspondence with staff and volunteers about how to respond to customers in writing or verbally.

Released document
2020-2021-06 26/02/2021

Any Australian War Memorial council minutes and/or council file notes and/or council documentation relating to concerns and/or discussions about allegations of war crime by the Australian Special Forces in Afghanistan; Any minutes or correspondence regarding possible, potential or real conflicts of interest on the council and the time frame for this request is 1st of January 2016 to the present.

Released document


2020-2021-03 26/11/2020

All emails held by the Australian War Memorial sent by either Mr Kerry Stokes or Mr Brendan Nelson mentioning "Ben Robert-Smith" or "BRS" or "Ben" (where the reference is to Mr Robert-Smith) between 1 March 2018 and 31 December 2018.

Released document



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