List of the South Australian naval members of the ANMEF (incomplete)
Extract from The Register (Adelaide, SA), Monday 22 February 1915, page 5.
Conquering Heroes
Return of Our Marines
The majority of the South Australian naval members of the expeditionary force which took part in the capture of German New Guinea returned to Adelaide by the express from Melbourne on Sunday. It is five months since they were landed in Rabaul, and in the interval they have made history such as will be remembered for all time. They not only added important territory to the British Empire, but in so doing upheld the best traditions of their race. The homecoming of the soldiers was welcome to their relatives and friends and also to themselves. A fairly large number of people assembled at the railway station to greet them, and all were favourably impressed with their general appearance. It was expected by some that the men would be able to proceed straight to their homes, but such was not the case. They were not permitted to do that until they had journeyed to the naval station at Largs. Lunch was provided for them there, and after necessary preliminaries they were granted leave. At the outset of the war these men signed on for six months’ service. That period will expire immediately. They will now have a fortnight’s leave, and will then be discharged.
—The Roll-call.—
The party, which was in the charge of Lieut. Bond (of Queensland), comprised:
—Petty Officers.—
A.A. Rutson
P.S. Johnson
J.B. Sangster
—Leading Seamen.—
J.M. Harvey
P. Byrnd
A. McGuire
W.H. Thompson
C. Read
A.W.D. Mullins
W. Day
D.C. Leslie
V.W. Sawford
J.C. Wainwright
H. Barnes
A.B. Steinthal
A.C.K. Slee
H.J. Watson
G. Sinclair
O.J. Evans
M.H. Devescore
J.E. Ricketts
C.J. Ricketts
E.A. Sawford
J.T. Murch
R. Renton
H.C. Lockyer
F.C. Taylor
C.M. Nicol
D. Sawford
E.J. Dunn
G.D. Rogers
W. Allan
R. Stuart
W.D. Sangster
A.E.D. Edwards
J.A. Gillespie
H.E. Nelson
W.H. Parker
J. Jones
E.S. Crowe
A. Mills
H.C. Vinnello
E.L. Janes
C. Raby
B.W. Jeffries
C.E. Perryman
A. Worthington
J.M. Dugan
H.C. Godson
P.J. Marshall
R. Grant
H.C. Plate
W. Connoll?
T.P. Fox
H.T. Lambert
E. Santry
—Fifty-six Returned Volunteers.—
There were about 80 naval volunteers from this State. Fifty-six of them have now returned. Messrs. T. Sullivan and J.H. tonks were seriously wounded, and were invalided home. The story of their experiences has already been told in The Register. Mr H.W. Street unfortunately bled to death after he was wounded, and Mr H.C. Williams died. The other absent members of the company are either in Melbourne or Sydney. An offer by the Military Department for further service at Rabaul on garrison duty was made, but most of our men decided that they would like to have a run home, seeing that the fighting in that part was over.