Enlistment statistics, Second World War

Numbers enlisted/engaged

Service Outside Australia Inside Australia Total
Army 396,661 330 139 726, 800
RAAF 124, 077 91, 923 216, 000
RAN 37, 061 11, 039 48, 100
Total 557, 799 433, 101 990, 900


Joan Beaumont, Australian Defence: Sources and statistics, Oxford University Press, Melbourne,  2001, p. 306


Service Number of deaths
Army 18, 713
RAN 1,900
RAAF 6, 460
TOTAL 27, 073


Gavin Long, The final campaigns, Australia in the war of 1939-1945, Series 1 (Army), Vol. 7, Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1963, p. 634

Army enlistments by States

State Gross enlistments to 29/9/45 Population in 1940 in 000s Percentage of enlistments to population
Queensland 104,340 1,029 10.13
New South Wales 276,741 2,801 9.87
Victoria 205,758 1,918 10.72
South Australia 54,660 598 9.14
Western Australia 61,575 468 13.15
Tasmania 22,420 243 9.22
Northern Territory 1,049 8 13.11
Total: 726,543 7,065 10.28


  • Gavin Long, The final campaigns, Australia in the war of 1939-1945, Series 1 (Army), Vol. 7, Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1963, p. 635

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