A crowd of German officers examining the wreck of a Sopwith Camel (C6719) shortly after the ...

Accession Number P04209.002
Collection type Photograph
Object type Print
Maker Unknown
Place made France: Picardie, Aisne, Montbrehain
Date made 10 March 1918
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


A crowd of German officers examining the wreck of a Sopwith Camel (C6719) shortly after the aircraft crash landed in German occupied territory at Montbrehain, France, on 10 March 1918. The Australian pilot, Lieutenant (Lt) Clarence Herbert Flere, 80 Squadron (Sqn), Royal Flying Corps (RFC) (with an x above his head), had been engaged in combat with a German Fokker DR1 aircraft when he crash landed, and escaped uninjured. Lt Flere was interned as a Prisoner of War at Landshut Lager, Germany, until his repatriation to England in December 1918. He returned to Australia on 3 May 1919. (See also P04209.001)

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