Framed sepia toned portrait of Sergeant Charles Curtis Dedman MM, 5th Battalion. The words 'Yours ...

Accession Number P05400.001
Collection type Photograph
Object type Colour - Toned black & white print
Maker Langfier Ltd
Place made United Kingdom: England, Greater London, London
Date made 1917
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Framed sepia toned portrait of Sergeant Charles Curtis Dedman MM, 5th Battalion. The words 'Yours Sincerely Charlie' are written in black ink across the lower corner of the image, while on the mount is the ink inscription 'To my Sister Bell. With all good wishes. Sgt C.C.Dedman 3105 B. Company 5th Battalion A.I.F 32.3.17.' Dedman was awarded the Military Medal for a daring patrol action near Merris, France, in July 1918. He was wounded some months later, and eventually died of these wounds in September 1919.