Place | Europe: Western Front |
Accession Number | REL35092.004 |
Collection type | Heraldry |
Object type | Medal |
Physical description | Bronze |
Maker |
Unknown |
Place made | United Kingdom |
Date made | c 1920 |
Conflict |
First World War, 1914-1918 |
Victory Medal : Sergeant C C Dedman, 5 Battalion, AIF
Victory Medal. Impressed around edge with recipient's details.
Charles Curtis Dedman, a 27 year old printer from North Fitzroy in Melbourne, enlisted in the AIF on 8 July 1915. He sailed as a private with 5 Battalion and after a period of training in Egypt joined the fighting on the Western Front. He was promoted lance corporal in November 1916 and temporary corporal in May 1918. In July of that year he was involved in a reconnaissance patrol between the towns of Merris and Meteren, opposite a place called le Waton. One of four men who ventured into non man’s land, Dedman discovered a previously unreported listening post. The patrol surprised the two Germans in the post and Dedman killed them when their cries alerted the enemy to the Australian’s presence. The party made it back to their trenches under heavy fire and Dedman later returned to retrieve further identification. These actions resulted in the award of the Military Medal. On 15 August Dedman was confirmed in the rank of corporal and promoted three days later to sergeant. On the 23 August he was wounded in action with a gun shot wound to the thigh. He was transferred to hospital in England and embarked for return to Australia aboard the Kanowna on 5 January 1919. He reached Australia in March and was admitted to No. 11 Australian General Hospital in Caulfield Melbourne. He died there from a haemorrhage and heart failure on 9 September.