[Japanese newsreel covering a visit by the Empress to an arms factory, tribute to Admiral Yamamato, campaign in the Aleutians and China] (Nippon Nyusu No. 155 = Japanese News No. 155)

Accession Number F06851
Collection type Film
Measurement 10 min
Object type Newsreel
Physical description 35mm/b&w/sound
Maker Nippon Eigasha
Place made China, Japan, Japan, Pacific Islands: Bismarck Archipelago, New Britain, Gazelle Peninsula, Rabaul Area, Rabaul
Date made 25 May 1943
Access Open
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Opening titles: Nippon Nyusu [Japanese News] produced by Nippon Eigasha [Japanese Film Company]. "Defeat the enemy completely". Issue No 155. Topics covered: 1. Title: 'Take off hats. Empress visits arms factory'- Censorship by the Ministry of Army passed - Japan News'. The Empress inspects the factory's children's nursery and a display of small arms ammunition produced at the factory. 2. Title: 'Alas! Admiral of the Fleet Yamamoto - Censorship by the Ministry of Navy No 63 - Japan News. Title: 'The Commander of the Combined Fleet, Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku, who was leading the general operations in the front, died a glorious death, when his place engaged a battle with the enemy [airplanes]. We, hundred-million Japanese, all offer our sincere condolences'. Item on the internment of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto remains. A speech by General Hideki Tojo. The arrival of Yamamoto's remains by train and the procession at the railway station. Arrival and procession. 3. Title. 'Cherishing the memory [of the late Admiral Yamamoto in the front line'. Item on Admiral Yamamoto's visit to a Japanese airfield [possibly Rabaul area]. Admiral Yamamoto arrives at the airfield by staff car. Aircrew stand to attention. Standing in the control tower the Admiral Yamamoto waves his cap to fair well the Mitsubishi G4M Betty bombers as they take off from an airfield. 3. Title 'Aleutian Front- Censorship by the Ministry of Navy, No 64 Japan News'. Aleutians [possibly Attu Island]. Shows Japanese soldiers in the snow taking temperature. Activities at a Japanese field kitchen and mess parade. Troops singing and marching on the spot. Japanese warships in the Aleutians. 4. Title 'Continental Front- Censorship by the Ministry of Navy, No 65 Japan News'. Item on the war in China showing Japanese troops in street fighting and burning a town. 5.Title: 'To the Nationalist Government - the Commander of the 24th Group Army'. Shows Nationalist Generals Pang Bingxun and Sun Dianying meeting with the Japanese military. Title. Japan News - End.

Film order form
  • Video of [Japanese newsreel covering a visit by the Empress to an arms factory, tribute to Admiral Yamamato, campaign in the Aleutians and China] (Nippon Nyusu No. 155 = Japanese News No. 155) (video)