Visit by US Admiral Ramsey and party to BCOF

Accession Number F07502
Collection type Film
Measurement 2 min 42 sec
Object type To be confirmed
Physical description 35mm/b&w/silent
Maker Cartledge, Ronald Selby
Place made Japan: Hiroshima, Hiroshima
Date made 1 March 1948
Access Open
Conflict British Commonwealth Occupation Force, 1946-1952 (Japan)

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Admiral D C Ramsey, Commander in Chief US Pacific Fleet, with a party of his staff officers, paid a visit to the BCOF zone. Arriving at Hiroshima station they were met by 26 (N392) Brigadier Ronald Nicholas Lamond Hopkins, CO 34 Australian Infantry Brigade, and inspected a guard of honour provided by 66th Australian Infantry Battalion which was under the command of 17507 (QX16128) Captain Keith Godfrey Turbayne. The party toured through the city and visited the Hiroshima Red Cross Hospital where several atom bomb victims who were still receiving treatment, were seen. At the Naval Station HMS Commonwealth, they were met by the Acting Commander in Chief, Air Vice Marshal C A Bouchier and the Commander of British Commonwealth Base, Brigadier Irving. As guests of Lieutenant Commander F A L Heron Watson, the Naval Officer in Charge they toured the inland sea and saw several wrecks of Japanese Naval ships sunk by carrier born planes of the US Navy. They also toured the Kure dock area.

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  • Video of Visit by US Admiral Ramsey and party to BCOF (video)