Crew of "M" for Mother, a Lancaster aircraft belonging to No. 467 Squadron RAAF in Bomber ...

Accession Number UK0456
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white
Physical description Black & white
Place made United Kingdom: England, Lincolnshire
Date made 14 September 1943
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Crew of "M" for Mother, a Lancaster aircraft belonging to No. 467 Squadron RAAF in Bomber Command. The Squadron is based at RAF Station Waddington, and this crew is just preparing to take off on a raid over Berlin. Left to right: 417035 Flight Sergeant (Flt Sgt, later Flying Officer [FO]) John Warrington Scott of Ballarat, Victoria; 413558 Flt Sgt (later FO) George Edward Erickson of Sydney, NSW; 412890 Flt Sgt (later Flight Lieutenant [Flt Lt]) Albert Reginald Thomas Boys of Sydney, NSW; 11615 Sergeant (later Flt Sgt) Charles Edward Adair of Swan Hills, NSW (lost on operations over Germany on 23 September 1943); 414407 Flt Sgt (later Flt Lt) Bertram Raymond Jones of Wyandra, Queensland; 400444 Flt Sgt (later Flt Lt) John Hudson Wilkinson, (later Distinguished Flying Cross), (bending down) of Rutherglen, Victoria (lost on operations over Europe on 30 August 1944); Sgt E L Tull, RAF.