Pair of identity discs : Private T H J Hollis, 3 RAR

Accession Number REL22439
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Personal Equipment
Physical description Stainless steel
Location Main Bld: Korea, Malaya & Indonesia Gallery: Lower Level: POW's
Maker Unknown
Place made Australia
Date made 1951
Conflict Korea, 1950-1953

Pair of standard issued stainless steel identity discs, one round and one octagonal, threaded on a knotted leather thong. Also threaded on the thong are five oxidised Australian Military Forces buttons. The obverse of each disc is impressed 2/400311 HOLLIS T H J/D OF E'. Reverse of each disc is impressed 'O4'.

History / Summary

Identity discs worn by 2/400311 Private Thomas Henry John Hollis, of 3RAR, while he was a prisoner of war of the North Koreans and Chinese during the Korean War. The buttons on the thong are from Hollis's service dress jacket. He cut them off and kept them when he removed the uniform and sank it in the Yalu River to deny its use by the North Koreans. Hollis served in the Second World War with 2/11 Australian Cavalry Commando Squadron and 66 Battalion, with the British Commonwealth Occupation Forces in Japan, and with 3RAR in Korea. He was captured in January 1951 and released on 9 August 1953.