Studio portrait of two brothers, 2162 Private (Pte) Edward John (Ted) Tovell (centre) and 2198 ...

Accession Number P00867.001
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white, Portrait
Physical description Black & white, Portrait
Maker Thomas Mathewson Co
Place made United Kingdom: England, Greater London, London
Date made May 1919
Conflict Period 1910-1919
First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Studio portrait of two brothers, 2162 Private (Pte) Edward John (Ted) Tovell (centre) and 2198 Pte Timothy William Tovell (right), both mechanics with 4 Squadron AFC, with the French orphan boy Henri Heremene, nicknamed 'Digger', that Timothy Tovell later adopted. The boy, who is wearing a small Australian Army uniform specially made for him, had been the mascot of No. 4 Squadron AFC. Later in Australia after taking the surname of his adoptive father, he became known as Henri Heremene Tovell. Pte Timothy Tovell smuggled the boy home to Australia on a troopship and raised him in Brisbane as his own son. After leaving school, Henri (Digger) Tovell worked for the RAAF, as a civilian, but was killed in a motorcycle accident in Melbourne on 24 May 1928. There is evidence of Henri signing his name as Honore, indicating it is his actual name. (Original print housed in AWM Archive Store)

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