Lieutenant Colonel Arthur James Lee

Service number SX2917
Ranks Held Captain, Lieutenant Colonel
Birth Date 1912-07-30
Birth Place Australia: South Australia, Adelaide
Final Rank Lieutenant Colonel
Service Australian Army
  • 2/9th Australian Infantry Battalion
  • 2/27th Australian Infantry Battalion
Place Adelaide
Conflict/Operation Second World War, 1939-1945
Gazettes Published in Commonwealth Gazette in 1947-03-06
Published in London Gazette in 1942-02-12
Published in London Gazette in 1943-02-04
Published in London Gazette in 1947-03-06
Published in Commonwealth Gazette in 1942-12-31


  • Honours and Awards:

    2/9th Australian Infantry Battalion
    Second World War, 1939-1945
    Lieutenant Colonel
    London Gazette
    06 March 1947 on page 1091 at position 67
    Commonwealth Gazette
    06 March 1947 on page 750 at position 121
  • Honours and Awards (Recommendation):

    Second World War, 1939-1945
  • Honours and Awards (Recommendation):

    Second World War, 1939-1945
  • Honours and Awards:

    2/27th Australian Infantry Battalion
    Second World War, 1939-1945
    London Gazette
    12 February 1942 on page 704 at position 3
  • Honours and Awards (Recommendation):

    Second World War, 1939-1945
  • Honours and Awards:

    2/27th Australian Infantry Battalion
    Second World War, 1939-1945
    London Gazette
    04 February 1943 on page 638 at position 1
    Commonwealth Gazette
    31 December 1942 on page 2961 at position 21


Date of birth 30 July 1912 Adelaide, SA.
Date of birth 30 July 1912
Date and unit at enlinstment (ORs) 11 January 1939 Enlisted as a private in 43/48th Battalion.
Date promoted 22 September 1939 Appointed lieutenant 48th Battalion.
Other units 01 May 1940 Seconded 2/27th Battalion.
Date and unit at enlistment (ORs) 22 May 1940 Enlisted Second Australian Imperial Force.
Other 24 November 1940 Arrived in the Middle East.
Date promoted 03 July 1941 Appointed captain.
Date of honour or award 07 November 1941 Military Cross. 'On the 6th Jul at the battle of DAMOUR, Capt Lee was in command of B. Coy, 2/27 Bn. During the advance to the River the Coy was very heavily shelled as it moved from EL BATTAL to EL LABIYE. D. Coy who were moving in front of B. Coy was badly shaken by the same heavy fire, had lost all but one of its officers and had become very badly disorganised in the darkness. Capt. Lee quickly sized up the position and decided to push through D. Coy and take over their role which was the capture of the 2nd. objective. He informed Bn. HQ. of this decision and pushed forward. His Coy was very heavily shelled and machine gunned during the whole of their advance and in addition the men were extremely fatigued by the difficult nature of the terrain. Capt. Lee led them forward and captured the objective by his inspiring and fearless leadership. In the enemy counter attack on Hill 560 on the following day, Capt. Lee again showed great gallantry in leading his company against this strongly held position. Throughout the campaign in Syria he has exhibited continuously the highest qualities of leadership.' Lee was recommended for this award by Lieutenant Colonel M J Moten commanding officer 2/27th Battalion.
Date returned to Australia 25 March 1942
Other 14 August 1942 Arrived in New Guinea.
Date returned to Australia 23 January 1943 Returned to Cairns.
Date of honour or award 31 May 1943 Bar to Military Cross. 'Capt. LEE M.C. commanded 'B' Coy. during action which took place between EFOGI and MINARE (New Guinea) on 7/8 September 1942. During afternoon 8th September, it became necessary for the Bde. to withdraw after an attempt to break through enemy resistance astride main track had failed. 'B' Coy and 'D' Coy were ordered to cover the withdrawal of the column which included a number of stretcher cases. Enemy made determined attempts to attack the retiring column but 'B' Coy held it's ground on the threatened flank. Capt. Lee displayed exemplary courage in leading his Coy. under intense fire from the enemy at ranges down to 20-30 yds. When his Coy. commenced to withdraw with enemy in close contact he remained at the tail of the column with two ORs. He was heard to exclaim 'They are getting all the young chaps. We old buggers have something to account for. Come on boys, give the bastards a full Mag.' and with that the three of them emptied their mags into the advancing enemy causing them to discontinue their attack and enabling the column to break contact. Capt. Lee's courage and determination had a steadying influence on the men and inspired their efforts. It is recommended that he be awarded the Bar to the Military Cross.'
Date promoted 30 June 1943 Major 2/16th Battalion.
Other 08 August 1943 Arrived in Moresby.
Other units 1943-10-14 - 1944-04-15 Seconded commanding officer of 21st Australian Infantry Training Battalion.
Date returned to Australia 29 October 1943 Returned to Townsville.
Other 1944-04-22 - 1944-06-03 Attended senior officers course at Land Headquarters Tactical School.
Date promoted 1944-08-12 - 1945-08-12 Appointed lieutenant colonel and commanding officer 2/9th Battalion.
Other 02 April 1945 Accidently injures left knee.
Other 1945-04-09 - 1945-04-18 Evacuated due to knee injury.
Other 13 May 1945 Again evacuated due to knee injury.
Other 31 May 1945 Arrived in Morotai.
Other 21 June 1945 Arrived in Balikpapan.
Other 1945-08-11 - 1945-10-25 Again evacuated due to knee injury and hospitalised.
Other 12 August 1945 Relinquished command 2/9th battalion as deemed medically unfit for duty, due to knee injury.
Date returned to Australia 26 September 1945
Date of discharge 26 October 1945 Transferred to Retired List.