Australian War Memorial - Anzac Hall

The dismantling is expected to take about 12 weeks to clear the site for the major Development Project's excavation works to commence.

Excavation works for the construction of the new Southern Entry and CEW Bean building are also set to begin in the coming months.

Services in the Anzac Hall area including gas, water, data and electricity will be relocated and upgraded during the works to provide additional capacity for the new spaces. East Road has closed to traffic and pedestrians until early August to enable deep road excavations for services installation.

Australian War Memorial Director Matt Anderson said "over the past 20 years it has become clear more space is needed to accommodate the Memorial's growing collection and to commemorate the service of Australia's contemporary service men and women in modern conflicts.

"The new Anzac Hall construction will increase the opportunity to tell their stories. Connections between the main building and the new Anzac Hall galleries with an additional 5,500 square metres of exhibition space will improve circulation and visitor experiences. This will all be completed while preserving the heritage value of the main Memorial building."

The design chosen as the replacement Anzac Hall was selected as the most viable, least complex and best value-for-money solution to meet the future needs of the Memorial for the next 50 years.

The Development Project can be viewed here:

The Australian War Memorial Commemorative Areas as well as the First and Second World War Galleries will remain open throughout the Development Project. The Last Post Ceremony will still take place daily from 4:45PM

Visitor tickets are available here

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