Addresses and accounts by Field Marshal Lord William Birdwood 1916 to 1917 - church parade, submission for the Lord Kitchener Memorial Book and the opening of a building in Ismailia

Accession Number RCDIG0000079
Collection number 3DRL/3376 11/1b
Collection type Digitised Collection
Record type File
Item count 4
Object type Papers
Physical description 24 Image/s captured
Maker Various
Date made 1916-1917
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918
Copying Provisions Digital format and content protected by copyright.

This file contains addresses and accounts given by Field Marshal Lord William Birdwood between early 1916 and 1917. These addresses were given to Australian troops during a church parade shortly after the evacuation from Gallipoli and at the opening of a building funded by the Australian Red Cross. Also included are various copies of a chapter written by Birdwood for the publication Lord Kitchener Memorial Book. Some of the topics discussed include discipline, the necessary precautions for gas and trench feet, writing home and the evacuation from Gallipoli.
This file contains:
Address to troops given by Birdwood at Church Parade, [c. early 1917, draft]
"Lord Kitchener's visit to Gallipoli in November, 1915", written by Birdwood for Lord Kitchener Memorial Book, [c.1917]
"Lord Kitchener's visit to Gallipoli", written by Birdwood for Lord Kitchener Memorial Book, [c.1917] [draft copy]
Address to troops by Birdwood at the opening of a building in Ismailia, [c. June 1916]