Series 11: Correspondence and other papers 1915 - 1930 related to the Dardanelles Campaign

Accession Number RCDIG0000077
Collection number 3DRL/3376 11/-
Collection type Digitised Collection
Record type Series
Item count 284
Object type Papers
Maker Various
Date made 1915-1930
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

This series comprises correspondence, telegrams, original orders, operation reports, commission reports and newspaper cuttings related to the Dardanelles campaign. The correspondents include Colonel Wigram, Lord Kitchener, General Brulard, General Hamilton, Sir Maurice Hankey, General Maxwell and General Godley.
Items of note in this series include several copies of the report by the Royal Commission investigating the Dardanelles Campaign during 1916 and documents related to the request from the Australian Defence Department that Australians serving under Field Marshal Lord William Birdwood should be organised in Australian formations and under Australian officers.
Also included in this series are documents relating to the Boer War, the Western Front battles of Bapaume and Bullecourt, addresses given by Birdwood and forewords written by Birdwood for various publications. File 8/2 should also be checked for related material. Three file listings are located in 11/15 File 1 which provide context to the original filing system that was applied to these records and also how they were originally used. The first of these is a listing compiled by Birdwood that collates all files related to the Dardanelles Campaign. The second list is a content list of all files prepared as evidence for the Dardanelles Commission. The final list has a provenance that could not be identified but resembles a packing list.

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