Places |
Accession Number | RCDIG0000113 |
Collection number | 3DRL/3376 11/17 |
Collection type | Digitised Collection |
Record type | File |
Item count | 21 |
Object type | Papers |
Physical description | 31 Image/s captured |
Maker |
Various |
Date made | 1914-1916 |
Conflict |
First World War, 1914-1918 |
Copying Provisions | Digital format and content protected by copyright. |
Forewords, congratulatory messages, etc. Public speeches, address to cadets [Part 3]
Birdwood, Lord William Riddell (Field Marshal, b.1865 - d.1951)
- Series 11: Correspondence and other papers 1915 - 1930 related to the Dardanelles Campaign
< Previous Record | Next Record >This file contains letters, memorandums, and orders related to Gallipoli and Egypt. Also included is correspondence on discipline at Ismailia. Some of the correspondents in this file include Field Marshal Lord William Birdwood as General Officer Commanding A & NZ Army Corps, Lieutenant General Harold Bridgwood Walker as General Officer Commanding 1st Australian Division, General Sir Ian Standish Monteith Hamilton, Wagstaff, Brigadier General Cecil Faber Aspinall-Oglander, Major General Sir Arthur Lynden Lynden-Bell, and General Sir Alexander John Godley. Some of the subjects discussed in this set of correspondence and orders are discipline, health, the evacuation from Gallipoli and Helles, as well as operations in August 1915. This file was part of Item 19 in the filing system used by Birdwood to organise a set of records related to the Dardanelles Campaign. This original list can be found in 3DRL/3376 11/15 File 1. Related items can also be found in 11/16 and 2/8.
This file contains:
Warning to solders respecting venereal disease, n.d.
Letter from Birdwood to General William Throsby Bridges, 27 December 1914 [Published by Divisional Headquarters, 28 December 1914]
Letter from Birdwood addressed to Officers and Men, 26-30 April 1915 [includes attached letter from Lieutenant Colonel Cyril Mosley Wagstaff]
Special order by General Ian Standish Monteith Hamilton, 5 August 1915
Letter from Birdwood to Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, 5 August 1915
Routine orders by Birdwood, 6 August 1915
Letter from Birdwood addressed to “Boys”, 9 August 1915
Memorandum from Birdwood to Brigadier General Harold Bridgwood Walker, 18 August 1915
Special Army Corps Order on behalf of Brigadier General (General Staff, Australian and New Zealand Army Corps), 7 September 1915
Special order by General Ian Standish Monteith Hamilton, 7 September 1915 [incorporates letter from Major General Walter Pipon Braithwaite, 7 September 1915]
Letter from [Birdwood] to Major General James Gordon Legge (2nd Australian Division), 14 September 1915
Special Army Corps Order by Birdwood, 15 October 1915
Special Army Corps Order by Birdwood, 25 November 1915
Special Army Corps Order by Birdwood, 1 December 1915
Special Army Order by Lieutenant Colonel Cecil Faber Aspinall, 2 December 1915
Cancelled Special Army Order by Birdwood, December 1915
Special order of the day by Major General Arthur Lynden Lynden-Bell, 21 December 1915 [includes cover letter, 16 December 1915]
Special order of the day number 1 by Major General Arthur Lynden Lynden-Bell, 11 January 1916
Special order of the day number 2 by Major General Arthur Lynden Lynden-Bell, 11 January 1916
Letter from Temp Lieutenant General Alexander John Godley, 13 February 1916 [includes letter from Birdwood to Temp Lieutenant General Alexander John Godley, 12 February 1916]
General Birdwood's Message to Men of the Australian and New Zealand [includes Earl Kitchener's Message to the troops], March 1916
Related information
- Africa: Egypt
- Africa: Egypt, Suez Canal, Ismailia
- Europe: France
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Dardanelles
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Dardanelles, Gallipoli
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Dardanelles, Gallipoli, Anzac Area (Gallipoli)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Dardanelles, Gallipoli, Anzac Area (Gallipoli), Lone Pine Area, Lone Pine
- Hamilton, Ian Standish Monteith
- Kitchener, Horatio Herbert
- Braithwaite, Walter Pipon
- King George V
- Wagstaff, Cyril Mosley
- Walker, Harold Bridgwood
- Monro, Charles Carmichael
- Lynden-Bell, Arthur Lynden
- Aspinall-Oglander, Cecil Faber
- Birdwood, William Riddell
- Birdwood, William Riddell
- Bridges, William Throsby
- Godley, Alexander John
- Godley, Alexander John
- Legge, James Gordon