Postcards from Robert James Henderson, 1915-1918

Accession Number AWM2016.30.7
Collection number 1DRL/0345
Collection type Digitised Collection
Record type File
Item count 6
Object type Postcard
Physical description 12 Image/s captured
Maker Henderson, Leonard Alston
Henderson, Robert James
Place made Egypt, France
Date made 1915-1918
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918
Copying Provisions Digital format and content protected by copyright.

Photographic postcards relating to the First World War service of Captain Robert James Henderson, 13th Battalion. These postcards, from Robert and his brother Leonard, to their family at home depict various scenes. The first, from Robert to his sister Jane, depicts Robert and several other soldiers mounted on donkeys and camels visiting the Sphinx and pyramids in 1915, Robert remarking on how fascinating he found Cairo. The second depicts Robert and the other officers who attended a School of Instruction at Zeitoun in late 1915. The third depicts Robert, Chaplain Frederick William Wray and Captain Arthur Gerard Fox with a Mr. and Mrs. Henley on the wharf at Alexandria shortly before sailing for Marseilles in June 1916. The fourth, from Leonard to his brother Mick, depicts Leonard and his rugby football team, with Leonard congratulating his brother on obtaining a Bachelor of Laws and discussing his time in London. The fifth, Robert to his family, depicts trophies won by the 13th Battalion in 4th Brigade sporting competitions in 1915 and 1916 for events such as cricket, boxing, athletic sports and rugby. Robert remarks on the snow and cold of the 1917/1918 winter in France. The sixth depicts the signatures of the officers and NCOs of the 45th Battalion, arranged by company and headquarters. Leonard’s signature can be seen with those officers serving with battalion headquarters. This file contains:
Photographic postcard from Robert James Henderson to his sister "Jane", Cairo, postmarked 26 September 1915;
Photographic postcard with annotation by Robert James Henderson, 1915;
Photographic postcard with annotation by Robert James Henderson, Alexandria, 1 June 1916;
Photographic postcard from Leonard Alston Henderson to his brother "Mick", [France], 25 July 1917;
Photographic postcard from Robert James Henderson [to his family], [France], 31 December 1917;
Photographic postcard from Leonard Alston Henderson [to his family], [France], 13 April 1918.