In our collection you will encounter military terminology and acronyms. Here you can find out what they mean.
Fighter aeroplane Queensland (RAAF)
Field and Fortress
Free French (Second World War)
Flight Officer (Women's Auxiliary Australian Air Force - WAAAF)
Flight Sergeant
Flash spotting
Field Train (USA)
Flight Lieutenant
Flying Officer (RAAF)
Field Ambulance
Department of Foreign [External] Affairs
Field Artillery (USA)
Financial Adviser
Anti Aircraft Frigate
Field Artillery Reserves (USA)
Fleet Air Arm (RAN Second World War)
Field Artillery Brigade
Field Artillery Brigade Ammunition Column
Fabric Worker
Forward Air Control/Controller (Vietnam War)
Forces Advisory Committee on Entertainment
Field Artillery Computing Equipment
Forward Ammunition Depot
French Air Force
National Armed Forces for the Liberation of East Timor (East Timor)
Forward Airfield Maintenance Area
Field Ambulance
Forward Airfield Maintenance Organisation
First Aid Nursing Yeomanry
Food and Agriculture Organisation
First Aid Post
Far East Land Forces
Free Alongside Ship
First Assistant Secretary (Finance)
First Assistant Secretary (General)
Forward Airfield Supply Organisation
Forward Air Support Operations Centre
First Assistant Secretary Strategic and International Policy
Notifiable Fatal Casualty
Forward Air Transport Operations Centre
Fleet Aviation Officer
Flying boat Base
Flying Boat Maintenance Unit (RAAF)
Flying Boat Repair Depot (RAAF)
Fleet Base West (Located at Garden Island, Western Australia)
Fighter Command (RAF)
Fire Control
Fighter Control Area (USA)
Field Company Australian Engineers
Fire Control Code (USA)
Forces Courier Communications Service
Field Company Engineers
Fighter Combat Instructor
Field Controller Military Accounts
Fleet Communications Officer
Fortress combined Operational Headquarters (Second World War)
Forward Control Post
Freemantle Class Patrol Boat
Fraser Commando School (Special Units Second World War)
Figher Control Unit (RAAF)
Force Communications Unit (Peacekeeping)
Fixed Defences
Aircraft Direction Frigate
Field Ambulance
Field Battery
Field Hospital
Field Hygiene Company (Vietnam War)
Field Hygiene Section
Field Medical and Dental (Vietnam War)
Field Medical
Field Park
Field Regiment (First World War - Vietnam War)
Field Security (Enemy Equipment)
Field Squadron
Field Squadron Workshop
Field Troop, Engineers (Vietnam War)
Field Troop, New Zealand Engineers [First World War New Zearland Unit]
Field Workshop
Field Workshop Stores Section (Vietnam War)
Fire Direction Center (USA) (Vietnam War)
Foremost Defended Localities
Fighter Direction Officer (RAAF)
Fire Direction Officer (Vietnam War)
Field Dressing Station
Field Distribution Terminal (telephone services)
Far East
Field Engineer
Foreign Economic Administration, Washington
Far Eastern Allied Commission
Far East Air Forces (USA)
Far East Air Service Command (USA)
Forward Edge of the Battle Area
Far East Command
Far East Combined Bureau
Fighting Echelon
Fighter Escort Fire Suppression
Force Element Group
Far Eastern Liaison Office
Field Engineer Regiment
Forward Engine Room
Airfield used as a staging post (RAAF)
Fire Fighter
Field Force
Folding Fin Aircraft Rocket
Guided missile frigate (RAN)
Frigate(s) with helicopter
French Forces of the Interior (Forces Francaises de 1'Interieur)
Furnace Fuel Oil
Frontier Force Regiment (Indian Army)
Fitted for Radio
Fast Fleet Replenishment Ship
Field Force Vietnam War
Fighter Group (US)
Fighter(s), ground attack
Field General Courts Martial
General Purpose Frigate
Early War Office Intelligence tests named after the initials of the authors
Fighter (USA)
Field Information Agency Technical
Flying Instructors Course
French Indo-China
Fog Investigation Dispersal Operation
Forces in Korea
Fleet Intermediate Maintenance Authority
Finance Officer (USA)
Flight Information Region
The act of returning fire at the enemy if fired upon
Helicopter fitted with a cluster of high powered spotlights (Vietnam War)
Armament fitter (Peacekeeping)
Forward Interpretation Unit (USA)
Flight Lieutenant
Flight Level
A tank with steel chains rotating in front of it and thrashing the ground to explode anti?tank mines
Enemy anti?aircraft fire (Second World War)
Front Line Broadcasting Unit
Field and Lines of Communication
Field (USA)
Field Ambulance (First World War)
Field Bakery
Field Butchery
Fleet Landing Exercise (USA)
Flexowriter Equipment
Flying Officer (RAAF)
Flight Information Publication
Family Liaison Officer
Forward Line own Troops
Force Logistics Support Group (East Timor)
Flight(s) (USA)
Flight Lieutenant
Flight Officer (Women's Royal Australian Air Force - WRAAF)
Flight Sergeant
Flight Commander
Fleet Liaison Officer with Supreme Commander for Allied Powers
Field Manual (USA)
Frequency Modulated
Foreign military assistance
Forward Maintenance Area
Field Maintenance Centre
Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic (USA)
Fleet Marine Force, Pacific (USA)
Federated Malay States
French Naval Air Arm
Field Orders (USA)
Flying Officer (RAAF)
Forward Observer
Flag Officer attached Middle East (British?Greece)
Forward Observer, Bombardment
Forward Operational Base
Free On board Ship
Flag Officer, British Assault Area
Flag Officer Commanding HMA Fleet
Flag Officer Commanding East Australia Area
Forward Ordnance Depot
Foreign Object Damage
For Onward Dispatch
Field of Fire
Flag Officer in Charge
Flag Officer in Charge, East Australia Area
Two man canoe (used in special operations Second World War)
Forward Observation Officer - Artillery officer observing from a forward observation post
Forward Observation Post - Site for the Forward Observation Officer (FOO)
Forward Observer Party
Free on Rail
Code name for Special Operations Executive in South East Asia (Second World War)
The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment)
Forward Echelon Land Headquarters
Field Operations Research Section (Vietnam War)
Flag Officer, Royal Yacht
Free on Wharf
Field Punishment (often No. 1 or No. 2)
Fast Patrol Boat
Five Power Defence Arrangements
Final Protective Fire
Final Protective Line (USA)
Field Post Office
Flight Planning Officer
Flying Personnel Research Committee
Flying Personnel Research Unit (RAAF)
Fuel Quality Control Officer
Flash Ranging (USA)
Flight Reconnaissance
Fragmentary Order
Frequency Separation
Space which houses the ships main refrigerators and cool rooms
A jargon term used in wireless conversation to refer to either Australian military elements, or, to Government of [South] Vietnam (GVN)/Free World Military Assistance Forces (including United States) military elements
Fleet Royal Marine Officer
Frontstammlager (German) - Forward Prisoner of War camp
Fellow of the Royal Society
Field Resuscitation Team
Field Service
Fighter Squadron (USA)
Fire Support
Fighter Section, Headquarters
Anti Submarine Frigate (First Rate)
Field Service Board (USA)
Fire Support Base (Vietnam War)
Anti Submarine Frigate (Second Rate)
Force Support Battalion
Fire Support Coordination Centre
Fire Support Coordination Center (USA)
Fire Support Coordination Line
Field Supply Depot
Frequency Shift Keying
Federal Stock Number
Flying Safety Officer
Field Security Officer
Flying Safety Officer
Fire Support Patrol Base (Vietnam War)
Field Service Pocket Book
Fire Support Patrol Base (Vietnam War)
Field Service Regulations
Field Surgical Team
Frequency Shift Telegraphy (RAN)
Field Surgical Unit
Fire Support Vehicle
Fort Command Post (seacoast artillery) (USA)
Flying Training Command (RAF)
Full Time Duty
Flying Training Manual
Fighter(s) (aircraft)
Flying Training School (RAAF)
Fast troop transport (RAN)
Field Transfusion Team
Forming up Place
The nose of a shell. There are three main types: Percussion, Time and Time and Percussion.
Fighter Wing (USA)
Forward Delivery Troop (Vietnam War)
Forward Echelon Land Headquarters (USA)
Fixed wing
Free World Forces
Free World Military Assistance Forces (US, Australian, South Vietnamese and other allied forces during the Vietnam War)
Free World Military Assistance Office/Organisation
Fitted with Radio
Fitted with Stretcher Frame
Fixed Service (RAN)
Fixed Defences
Fiscal year