In our collection you will encounter military terminology and acronyms. Here you can find out what they mean.
Namibia clasp to the Australian Service Medal (ASM)
Northern Area Headquarters (RAAF)
Northern Command Headquarters (RAAF)
Northern Command
North Eastern area, Headquarters
The North Staffordshire Regiment (The Prince of Wales')
Naval airman (Second World War)
Not applicable
Navy, Army and Air Force Institute
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (USA)
No appreciable disease (First World War)
North American Free Trade Agreement
Navid Officer
North Atlantic Ocean Regional Group
North Australia Observer Unit
Naval Auxiliary Patrol
Naval Air Station
Nursing Auxiliary Service
National Aeronautical and Space Administration
Naval and Air Stores Issuing Ship
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
North African Theatre of Operations United States Army
Naval Air Transport Service
Navigation Officer (USA)
Navigational Aid
Naval Communications Area Local Station
Royal Australian Navy Safety Program
Navy System Command
Naval Board
Note well
Naval Base Camp (Second World War)
Nuclear, biological and chemical [weapons]
Non Battle Casualty
Nuclear, biological and chemical defence
Nuclear, biological and chemical defence Instructor
Nuclear, biological and chemical defence Officer
Navy Control and Protection of Shipping
Naval Component Commander
Non commissioned Officer
Naval Construction Research Establishment
Naval Control Service/Shipping
Naval Control Service/Shipping Officer
Naval Control Service/Shipping Officer
Naval Discipline Act
Non directional beacon
Naval Dockyard Police
Night Defence Position. Normally a hastily prepared position for a company sized unit on a sustained operation. (Vietnam War)
Non Destructive Test
Narrative of events
Not eligible
Netherland Forces Intelligence Section
Netherlands East Indies
Netherlands East Indies Civil Administration
Naval Embarkation Officer
Nuclear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft (USA)
National Emergency Services
Night Fighter
The Royal Northumberland Fusiliers
National Forces for the People's Sovereignty - formed 7 Sept 64. By Dr PhamHuy Co - previously "Vietnam National Revolutionary Movement" an anti-Diem organisation which operated abroad since 1962. NFPS is against any council or convention appointed by the
Northumberland Fusiliers Railway Pioneers
Night Flying Test
Not fair ware [damage]
No Fire Zone. An area into which supporting fires cannot be placed. (Vietnam War)
New Guinea
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) Guidelines Area
Naval Gunfire Air Spotting
New Guinea Deployment Depot
New Guinea Force
Northern Group of Forces (USSR)
New Guinea Force Air Liaison Group
Naval Gunfire Support (of forces ashore)
New Guinea Infantry Battalion
Naval Gunfire Liaison Officer (USA)
Non Government Organisation
Naval Gunfire Operations Centre
Naval Gunfire Support
Naval Gunfire Support
Naval Gunfire Support Forward Observer
Naval Gunfire Support Liaison Officer
Naval Gunfire Support Staff Officer
New Guinea Volunteer Rifles
Navy Headquarters
Naval Instructor
Naval Intelligence
Non indigenous Civilian
National Intelligence Committee
Netherlands Indies Civil Affairs Organisation
Naval Intelligence Division
Naval Intelligence Division
A technique using coordinated radar, artillery and air cavalry (Vietnam War)
A planned operation against an intelligence target (Vietnam War)
An Forward Air Control - controlled air strike during the dark using artificial illumination (Vietnam War)
An Integrated Civic Action Progamme during the hours of darkness with particular emphasis on psychological operations. The unit remains overnight in the hamlet in which the Nitecap is conducted. (Vietnam War)
Not known
Narodny Kammissariat Vnutrennikh Del (Peoples Commissariat for Internal Affairs, USSR)
National Liberation Front for South Vietnam
Naval Liaison Officer
Naval Liaison Officer, Royal Visit
Not Later Than
National Medal
Nautical Miles
Non Military Employment.(Leave after Armistice - placement within industry)
Net material product
Netherlands New Guinea Petroleum Company
Neutral Nations' Supervisory Commission for Korea
Navy Office
Navigating Officer
No 1 Australian Auxiliary Hospital (Harefield Park) [First World War AIF Medical Unit]
No 1 Australian Casualty Clearing Station [First World War AIF Medical Unit]
No 1 Australian Dermatological Hospital (Bulford) [First World War AIF Medical Unit]
No 1 Australian General Hospital [First World War AIF Medical Unit]
No 1 Australian Stationary Hospital [First World War AIF Medical Unit]
No 1 Australian Command Depot [First World War AIF Bases and Depots Unit]
No 1 Battalion, Overseas Training Brigade [First World War AIF Infantry Unit]
No 1 Company, Imperial Camel Corps [First World War AIF Camel Corps Unit]
No 1 Depot, Camel Transport Corps [First World War AIF Camel Corps Unit]
No 1 Squadron, Australian Flying Corps (formerly No 67 (Australian) Squadron, RFC) [First World War AIF Flying Corps Unit]
No 14 Australian General Hospital [First World War AIF Medical Unit]
No 2 Australian Auxiliary Hospital (Southall) [First World War AIF Medical Unit]
No 2 Australian Casualty Clearing Station [First World War AIF Medical Unit]
No 2 Australian General Hospital [First World War AIF Medical Unit]
No 2 Australian Stationary Hospital [First World War AIF Medical Unit]
No 2 Australian Ammunition Unit, Australian Army Ordnance Corps [First World War AIF Ordnace Unit]
No 2 Australian Command Depot (formerly Australian and New Zealand Base Depot) [First World War AIF Bases and Depots Unit]
No 2 Battalion, Overseas Training Brigade [First World War AIF Infantry Unit]
No 2 Depot, Camel Transport Corps [First World War AIF Camel Corps Unit]
No 2 Squadron, Australian Flying Corps (formerly No 68 (Australian) Squadron, RFC) [First World War AIF Flying Corps Unit]
No 3 Australian Auxiliary Hospital (Dartford) [First World War AIF Medical Unit]
No 3 Australian Casualty Clearing Station [First World War AIF Medical Unit]
No 3 Australian General Hospital [First World War AIF Medical Unit]
No 3 Australian Base Reception Camp [First World War AIF Bases and Depots Unit]
No 3 Australian Command Depot [First World War AIF Bases and Depots Unit]
No 3 Battalion, Overseas Training Brigade [First World War AIF Infantry Unit]
No 3 Field Battery, New Zealand Artillery [First World War New Zearland Unit]
No 3 Group [First World War AIF Bases and Depots Unit]
No 3 Section, 3rd Australian Division Signals Company [First World War AIF Signals Unit]
No 3 Squadron, Australian Flying Corps (formerly No 69 (Australian) Squadron, RFC) [First World War AIF Flying Corps Unit]
No 4 Australian Command Depot [First World War AIF Bases and Depots Unit]
No 4 Battalion, Overseas Training Brigade [First World War AIF Infantry Unit]
No 4 Group [First World War AIF Bases and Depots Unit]
No 4 Squadron, Australian Flying Corps (formerly No 71 Squadron, RFC) [First World War AIF Flying Corps Unit]
No 5 Group [First World War AIF Bases and Depots Unit]
Naval Ordnance Department
Night Observation Devices
Naval Officer in Charge
Naval Officer in Charge, (South East Australian Area)
Next of kin
Navy Office letter (RAN)
Northern Command
The Royal Norfolk Regiment
Code Name for Group HQ controlling air operations in Northern Malaya
The Northamptonshire Regiment
Not To All Addresses
Notice to Airmen
Notification of Casualties
(after rank) Naval Police Coxswain
National Police Field Force. A component of Government of [South] Vietnam's (GVN) National Police consisting of lightly armed tactical elements whose primary function was to eliminate Viet Cong Infrastructure (VCI) in conjunction with the Police Special B
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Northern Queensland
Naval Reserve (USA)
Not Required
North Russian Expeditionary Force
No Religion
Naval Reserve Surface Forces (USA)
Northern Rivers Lancers
Non Registered Publication
Naval Raid Reporting
North Russian Relief Force
Naval Records Section (USA)
National Service
Nursing Service Cross
Non Standard Items
National Serviceman
Naval Staff Officer
Naval Staff Requirement
Naval Staff Target
Not Sooner Than
Naval Sea Transport Service (United States Navy)
New South Wales
Northern Territory
Northern Troops and Landing Force
Notice to move
Naval Transport Officer (First World War)
Nothing to Report
Not under control
North Vietnamese Army (Vietnam War) aka PAVN
North Western Area
Not yet determined/diagnosed
Not yet diagnosed Gas (First World War)
Not yet diagnosed neurosis [shell shock] (First World War)
New Year Honours
New Zealand
New Zealand and Australian (First World War)
New Zealand and Australian Divisional Signal Company [First World War New Zearland Unit]
New Zealand and Australian Division Signals Company [First World War AIF Signals Unit]
New Zealand Cyclist Company [First World War New Zearland Unit]
New Zealand Divisional Supply Column [First World War New Zearland Unit]
New Zealand Field Ambulance [First World War New Zearland Unit]
New Zealand Mounted Field Ambulance [First World War New Zearland Unit]
New Zealand Army
New Zealand Army Service Corps
New Zealand Army Training Team Vietnam
New Zealand Expeditionary Force (First World War)
New Zealand Field Artillery
New Zealand Joint Services Liaison Staff
New Zealand Medical Corps (First World War)
New Zealand Military Force
New Zealand Special Air Services
NZ Army Force (Vietnam)